Heart To Heart

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Wing held a blade in their hand.

Their arms were covered in scratches.

Their skin was torn from lashings

They Continued cutting and slicing, each cut reminding them of their previous, living life.

As the door began to open, they panicked, trying to cover up the blade cut skin.

Headzo walked in, seemingly noticing Wing's arms, causing him to turn and begin to walk out.

As he reached the doorway once again, a thought crossed his mind.

Turning back, the query seeped out his mouth.

"I always wondered, Carlos why do you wear that clothing?" Headzo questioned.

"What do you mean?" They spoke, evidently confused.

"You're not exactly wearing the most normal clothing, now tell me why." He sat down next to them.

Wing took a moment, not sure of what to say.

"It's easier to...conceal...the sad if...if you already look...happy." They found it hard to explain.
"But you were a serial killer, hidden in the dark, what would such brightness do, except reveal you to the people you kill?" He was very curious.

"It made it easier, people didn't see me as threat. It allowed me to kill them quicker." They found the psychology of it, fascinating.

"All that.." He was interupted
"Hate?" They interrupted.
"...sadness" He continued recognising Wing's shock "I can see it in the way you sit, talk, so much sad, so lonely."

"You know I never forget them, the people I kill. I never forget them. I can't forget them." They spoke with sorrow.

"Idetic memory?" He was beginning to understand.

"Yes, but not just that. My muscle memory is also perfect. Every person I fought, every fight I've seen is inside me. A constant reminder." Their sorrow continued.

Wing fiddled with their hands, uncomfortable with how vulnerable they felt, their actions further damaged by the memories flashing in their mind.

"Does it hurt? The memories?" He was concerned was his friend.

"Sometimes. Only when I focus on them. Only when I let them consume me." They held their head in their hand.

Trying to focus their mind away from the memories, they get up and begin to leave.

"Carlos." Headzo's words turned Wing around.

As Wing turned to see Headzo, they found themselves embraced in a hug.

Having not felt such affection  ever in their life, their arms stuttered before embracing Headzo back.

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