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Headzo stood, thinking, nothing in particular, just stood there thinking.

Footsteps approached the door, Finzo and Wingzo wandered on in.

"Hello?" Headzo held a kind smile as he turned to greet them.

"We're worried." Wingzo spoke first.

"Why?" He was quite clearly confused.

"We no longer think you're fit to lead us." Finzo was quick to answer.

"Why? I don't understand." Headzo held back his anger.

"We think Wing has clouded your vision." Wingzo knew the statement would be risky.

"I assure you my vision is clearer then it ever has been!" His fake smile turned to ash.

"We fear that you've lost your goal, you've lost the urge to avenge us." They spoke simultaneously.

"Tell me, what is this goal?" He was finding it harder to contain his anger.

"To kill a murderer...." Finzo responded.

"To kill my brother. I haven't forgotten anything. Don't you ever doubt my VISION again!" Headzo was not happy. "Do you understand?"

"Your clear love for Wing is blocking you from seeing the truth." Wingzo ignored Headzo's sentiment.

"Love? I care for Wing as much as I care for the both of you." Headzo was growing tired of the conversation.

"Come on, you truly love them. We can tell." Finzo felt sure.

"This again? Really? I thought we was passed this. 2043 and you still can't accept or even begin to understand. I CAN'T LOVE! Not in the same way you can." Headzo felt alone, misunderstood, not accepted.

"They're a threat." Wingzo spoke.

"They're afraid." Headzo replied.

"They're dangerous." Finzo answered.

"They need our help." Headzo stated with true sympathy.

"You're not fit to lead anymore." Finzo spoke with certainty, "Let one of us take over, for now."

"You like to belive you're on my level. You're not. I try to be kind about it; make you feel like we're a team, in it together. We're not. I am smarter, stronger and alot better fighter then either of you." Headzo breathed calming himself.

"You've lost you're way." Wingzo tried to insight weakness into Headzo's mind.

"He is my brother, my duty. If he must die, he must die by my hand. You may have felt pain when you perished, but I watched it happen. I saw you all die. Your deaths repeat in my head. I see your deaths again every time I look at you. My pain is ever-lasting." Headzo held back tears.

"You are too emotional to make decisions." Finzo's words hurt.

"Emotional? I make decisions from pure logic. Wing is powerful and intelligent. They are an asset. I love you both, but I, alone, make the hard decisions. If you stand in my way, I'm not afraid to move you out of harm, where you'll be safe, because I care. Now move aside and trust me when I say this, you don't want to be the one making the decisions." He pushed his emotions deep down, as the words flowed out from his tongue.

Both were left speechless, as Headzo walked out the room.

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