Unapproved Promises

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I just wanted to say thank you, I am surprised by the sudden interest. I hope I can give you guys a chapter at least every other day. Encouragement and ideas are always a HUGE help too. Don't forget to vote and comment!


Sarah fidgeted with the sleeve of her dress as she, and the little Goblin from her room, walked down the halls. The Goblin King had in fact requested that she wear a dress instead of her jeans and long sleeved shirt. Sarah didn't understand why, but she hated wearing the thing. It made her look like a barbie doll.

The dress she had on was much like the style of her green dress from back home, but only it was red. The only difference between the two, other than color, was the corset that went along with the dress. Sarah felt like she couldn't breathe.

She sighed heavily, and stomped her feet a few times in frustration. She would much rather be out having adventures with Ludo, Hoggle, and sir Didymus. She found that, after she had lost, and left them in the forest beyond the bog of eternal stench, she was starting to miss them dearly.

"Just a little further." The little Goblin informed her.

Sarah nodded.

They walked further down the hall, and it abrubtly turned into a dead end. Sarah looked down at the Goblin, then back up at the wall.

"Well, what are we suppose to do now?" Sarah asked impatiently.

The Goblin gave her a shocked looked. "Oh, I am not permitted to enter the Kings garden. Only those who are permitted are allowed to walk through."

Sarah growled in frustration. She pointed at the wall. "Well, how am I suppose to get in if there is no door?"

He still looked at her as if she had grown a third eye. "You.....walk through."

Sarah leaned back from her hunched over position to frown at the little Goblin. "What?"

He motioned for her to walk forward. "You will see. Go on. My King is waiting."

Sarah reluctantly walked forward towards the brick wall. The little Goblin was still ushering her forward, and she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Sarah closed her eyes, and put her hands out in front of her as she neared the wall, but instead of feeling the bricks, she moved her foot forward, and it suddenly dropped down off the flat stone floor of the castle, to grass. Sarah's eyes flew open just in time to see the grass floor come up in front of her face, and she landing with a resounding umph.

Sarah groaned, and rolled over on her back, thinking to herself how stupid she was, before standing up, and brushing herself off. When she was done, she looked up at the room she was in, and gasped.

The Goblin King's garden was unlike anything she had ever seen. The rooms walls were stone like the rest of the castle, but as it domed over the top, there was something strange. It was like a shimmering image of the sky. The edge faded out when it got to the bottom of the ceiling, but in the middle Sarah was amazed to find that it moved like the actual sky. Sarah sat in wonder for a moment before she decided to look down at the garden. All around her were plants of strange manner, the like of which no one has ever seen before.

Sarah walked forward to one that seemed out of place. It was an oderinary pink rose bush, with one single flower growing from it. Sarah knelt down to look at it, and reached forward to pet it.

"Its rude to stare you know. And get your filthy human hands off of me young lady!"

Sarah pulled her hand back and stared at the flower in shock. Had it just said that? Sarah looked around her, but saw no one else but the flower.

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