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Sarah paced her room, biting her nails, as her heels clicked on the ground. She couldn't even sleep last night after the talk she had with the King and the Queen. She was up thinking about what she should do. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and it said 10:33am. Great. The trial for Jareth was to begin at 11:00.

Sarah trudged over to the bathroom, where she washed her face, and brushed her teeth. She came out and looked in her closet for something to wear. All her clothes were from the King since she had lost hers when her and Jareth had to run from the banshees. Jareth........... She didn't even know where to begin with that subject.

Sarah got dressed, and walked back over to her vanity to brush her hair, pulled it back into a braid her stepmother had showed her how to do. She went to put make-up on, and noticed the dark bags under her eyes. She would have to put extra make-up in that area.

After she was done, she walked out into the hallway and made her way to the huge court room. When she got there, there was already a large body of people in the room. There was a low buzz of voices before she walked in, but as she made her way to her seat, all noise ceased, and all eyes were on her. Sarah held her head high, and made herself look forward, as she sat down on her seat. They waited a moment longer, still looking at her, before they continued their chatter. Sarah sighed in relief.

A few minutes later, the court room quited again as the King entered. He sat down on his throne, and motioned to the guards at the door.

"Bring in the accused."

The doors opened, and beaten up Jareth stumbled through, the guards behind his pushing his forward. Sarah gasped, and put a hand over her mouth. There were dirt stains, and blood dried of his white poofy shirt, and there were several bruises on the parts of his body that Sarah could see. His face being the worst. He had bruises on both cheeks, and one of his eyes was swelled completely shut.

Jareth looked up when she gasped, and he gave her a weak smile. He stopped in the middle of the room, and Sarah fought the urge to run down, and treat his wounds. The King cleared his throat, and addressed the court.

"My good people. Thank you for joining us again today. As you know, Jareth the Goblin King has broken the rules of his banishment. We must decide what to do with him."

For the next two hours, the court brought forth evidence against Jareth, and called several people to testify against him. Sarah's nerves were on end, and when the day was finished, court was adjourned, and people started to leave. Sarah watched Jareth go, then followed the guards to his cell. When they shut the door, Sarah came around the corner to come face to face with a guard.

"No visitors. Kings orders." The guard told her gruffly.

Sarah squared her shoulders. "I am his.....wife. I demand to see him."

The guard walked up to her, making her shy back. "No visitors."

"If you do not let me see him, I will go to the king, and tell him you have not permitted me to see him, and request that you be beheaded. Is it worth you life soldier?" Sarah pulled her pendant out that Jareth had given her to prove her point, and he eyed it.

After a moment, he stepped away. "Five minutes. No longer."

Sarah nodded. "Thank you."

He unlocked the door, and Sarah walked in. Jareth stood, a shocked look on his face.

"Sarah, what are you-"

Sarah held her hand up. "No questions. Only answers."

Jareth paused, but then nodded. "Alright."

Sarah took a deep breath, then spoke. "Is it true? Did you really kill your own father?"

Jareth looked away quickly, but not before she saw a look of anguish pass over his features.

"I.......I don't know." He whispered.

Sarah frowned. "What do you mean you don't know?"

He looked at her, and that's when she saw the tears on his face. "I loved my father. After my mother died, my father was all I had left. I studied with him everyday, and he taught me everything I know. My brother Elron was younger, so my father didn't spend much of his time with him. But........that day.........when it all happened........I can't remember. The only thing I do remember is waking up to find my father dead."

Sarah looked at him with sympathy. "Jareth, how do you know it was your fault?"

He shrugged. "That is what my brother believed. We used to be so close. Even though father spent his time with me, I would spend my free hours teaching Elron what father had taught me."

Sarah nodded. "That doesn't mean its your fault." She whispered softly.

He didn't say anything.

Sarah hesitated before asking her other question.


He looked up at her. "Yes, love?"

She looked at the ground, playing with the sleeves on her dress, nervous to ask.

"Did you......did you mean what you said to me back in the woods?" Sarah looked up at the end.

For a moment, he looked like he was in disbelief, then, before she could react, he walked forward, and grabbed hold of her face, and kissed her senseless.

He pulled back, and she almost fell over from shock. He looked deep into her eyes, the love she saw there was overwhelming.

"Every word." He whispered softly.

Her heart beat quickened, and a blush crept up onto her cheeks. She stared back at him, trying to understand everything.

There was a knock on the door, but Jareth didn't break his gaze.

"Five minutes are up." The guard yelled.

Without a word, Sarah ducked out of his arms, and ran down the hallway, her head filling with questions. She looked back over her shoulder and glanced at Jareth's face one last time, before the door closed.

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