Holy beings, and the End.

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Sarah ran through the halls, ignoring the sounds of destruction behind her. Tears stained her cheeks, and new ones replaced them as sadness overwhelmed her. She pulled her skirts up, and ran faster.

When she reached the gardens entrance, she walked through the stone wall, and ran towards the table in the back of the room.


Sarah came to a stop, and looked down at a familiar flower.

"Margi!" Sarah breathed, and sank down in front of the rose bush.

"Sarah, what's happening?" She asked, worry on her face.

Sarah's face crumpled in anguish. "The kings brother is here to kill him."

She gasped. "Oh no! Child, you must hide!"

Sarah looked down at her hands hopelessly. "There is no where else to go."

She waved her leaf hands dismissively. "Nonsense. You can hide in that." She pointed behind Sarah.

She turned, and saw a plant with giant leaves, and a small opening in the front.

"The Oka'Baniden." Sarah whispered.

"Run child, run!" Margi urged.

Sarah feet moved, and she ran towards the giant plant, but before she got there, she heard something.


It was a soft, melodic whisper, and Sarah turned and looked through the archway in front of her. There was a bright light on the other side, and Sarah slowly, cautiously, began moving towards it. The light grew brighter the further she went, til she came to the clearing in the middle of the garden. When Sarah saw the source of the light, she gasped in shock. Three angelic, glowing beings stood in the middle of the clearing, white shining gowns flowing about them from a unforseen breeze. They turned to look at Sarah, and she was having a hard time making out their faces due to their illuminated state.

"The Holy beings." Sarah murmured to herself.

She suddenly dropped her knees, and bowed her head.

"Rise, Sarah."

Sarah obeyed.

"This world is in grave danger."

Sarah frowned. "Danger? Is it Elron?"

"Only partly. An evil has awakened, Sarah. An evil that will destroy this world. You must save it."

"Me?" Sarah asked, confused.

"You alone have the power."

"Power? But I don't have any power."

"......not yet."

Sarah shook her head. "How do I save the Underground?"

"You must sleep, Sarah. Only time is left until the end."

Sarah frowned again. It didn't make any sense.


All three of them pointed towards the Oka'Baniden. Sarah stared with wide eyes.

"You must hurry, Sarah."

She looked back at them. "But how will I know when to wake up?"

"We will come for you. Now.....go."

Bricks splayed out all over the garden as the wall was broken to pieces. Red light spread through the plants, and it was growing brighter every second, and Sarah was struck with fear.


Sarah ran for the giant plant, and with a slight pause, she threw herself in. Immediately, the plant closed up around her, and Sarah laid down on the plant floor. She let out a sigh, and her heart rate began to slow. She thought about Jareth, and knew his fate was worse than hers. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she laid there hopelessly. She wondered if she ever see him again.

Sarah's thoughts were interrupted when a strange green fog started to seep out of the walls of the plant. Sarah grew fearful, and stayed as far away from it as possible, but it was useless. Sarah held her breath as a last resort, and when she could hold it no longer, she breathed in the fog, and started hacking. It felt like water filling her lungs, and she fell back on the ground, clawing at her throat. Her mind started to fade, and her vision went black.

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