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Jareth paced his cell. Every hour he grew more anxious. He knew what was coming, but he still hoped maybe his brother might wait.

He paced for several more hours, and after forever, the door banged open, revealing captain Ijat. His face was stern, and he walked over, avoiding eye contact. He put Jareth's hands behind his back, and secured the cuffs around his wrists.

"Court is adjourned. Time to face the consequences, Qi'udelan." He whispered harshly in Jareth's ear.

They walked up the stone steps, and through the halls above. Several more guards were waiting at the top, and they kept walking inwards, towards the center of the castle. The white stone was bright compared to his own gray castle, making him squint.

When the had reached the big double doors, he was shocked to see that Sarah was there waiting for him. When she heard them round the corner, she began walking towards him.

"Sarah! Thank goodness you're alr-" His outburst was cut short as her hand descending upon his cheek, a resounding smack ringing in his ears.

"How dare you!" She screamed.

He righted himself, and shook his head, working his jaw.

"How could you do this to me? Lie to me to me like this? I was just starting to trust you." She whispered the last part, and the look of disappointment on her face, made him feel ashamed of himself.

"I'm sorry Sarah." Was all he could say. What could he say? She already knew too much.

She shook her head, and wiped away the tear that fell down her cheek. "It doesn't matter now."

With that, she turned and entered the room before them. Jareth sighed, and knew this was going to be a long week.

The guards pushed him to follow, and Ijat gave him a sinister grin, and shoved him forward. Jareth almost tripped, and fell on his face, but one of the guards caught him. They left him standing in the middle of the huge court room. There were hundreds of people, and they were all looking at him. The room was round, and domed, with section coming out from the walls that you had to access by stair. He noticed the one person he really cared about in the room, sitting three rows up, next to the old man who had healed her. She looked down on him with the same disappointed look from before, and he turned away, unable to meet her gaze any longer.

At the head of the room, seated on one of his many thrones, was his egotistical, self centered, maniac older brother.

"Jareth, welcome my brother." He greeted him.

Jareth rolled his eyes. "Some welcome."

He cleared his throat at the gasps that erupted around the room.

"I see that you are in no mood for formalities." He said bluntly.

"Not really, no." Jareth said nonchalantly.

"Well then, let the court adjourn. Jareth Duheran, you have been charged with the murder of my father, King Paite Duheran, and out of my own mercy, I chose to let you live. You were banished to the outskirts of the kingdom, with a kingdom of your own that I gave for you to govern. Your magic was restricted, and you were put in charge of the Labyrinth. You are here to show your loser, to display them before the court." He smiled at the last part.

Jareth closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next.

"I call Sarah Williams to the podium." The Kings voice silenced the courtroom.

Several silent moments went by, and when Jareth looked up, Sarah was seated on the lower seat, to the left of the King.

"Sarah Williams, are you not the loser of the game?" The king questioned.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, your highness."

Jareth grit his teeth. But she calls him that.

"And why are you still here?"

"The king offered to take me in exchange for my brother."

"I see. And do you know what he is required to do to you since you have traded places with your brother?"

"Yes. I do." Sarah said quietly.

The King looked at Jareth again. "Jareth, do you care to explain why she is still human?"

Jareth took a deep breath, glancing at Sarah before he answered. "I married Sarah Williams."

The whole court room erupted, and the King shouted at them to be quite.

When they calmed down, he spoke again. "Was Sarah Williams aware of this fact before the ceremony of the lost was performed?"

Jareth looked at the ground. "No."

"And you are aware of our laws concerning this matter?"

Jareth nodded.

"What laws?" Sarah asked, suddenly.

The King cleared his throat. "If one of the two parties is deceived during this ceremony, it is up to the betrayed to decide the fate of the betrayer."

Jareth looked up at Sarah, and their eyes met. She looked undecided, and couldn't look at him long before her eyes dropped to her lap.

"We can discuss that later. Right now, I want to talk about what happened in the forest with the banshees." The King continued.

"I had no other choice." Jareth growled.

The King didn't look convinced. "Jareth exceeded his magic restrictions, even though he was warned about what would happen if he did."

"They were going to kill us! You know that!" Jareth shouted in protest.

The Kings face changed into something different, something Jareth couldn't place. He breathed in deep, and sat back to address the council.

"My good people, we must decide what to do with the traitor, but until then, this is postponed til tomorrow afternoon." Then get got up from his chair and left.

Jareth was sent back to his cell, where he was left in the dark with his thoughts.


Hey you guys! Sorry about the short update, I'm having a bit of writers block. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Things are going to get very good from here on out, I just have to figure out how to put it into words.

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