Journey to the Outskirts

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Ailos had ordered that Syric come with Sarah on her journey to find the assassin. Sarah said she would be fine, but Ailos had insisted, and so did Ijat. She reluctantly agreed, and Syric told her he would meet her back at Ailos's house at dusk.

Sarah sat through another day of court, then went back to her room, and finished packing her bags. She jumped when there was a knock on the door, and she hurriedly grabbed the bags off of the bed, and threw them in her closet. She had just closed the door, when whoever knocked let themselves in. Sarah was shocked to see Elron standing in the doorway.

"Your Highness, what are you doing here?" Sarah asked skittishly. She tried to hide her emotions as best as she could, but by the look on the kings face, he suspected something.

He gazed at her from under his lashes, smirking, then clicked the door shut.

"I have only come to see how you are doing? You seemed a bit.....rushed, leaving the court room today." His eyes bore a hole in her face, and she swallowed.

"I just......didn't want to be in there anymore, that's all." Sarah's voice shook, and the king's mouth twitched.

He started pacing her room, looking at the wall decorations. "I hope you are still considering what I told you the other night." He stopped, and gave her a hard look. "My brother is a bad man, Sarah. The council will need your decision soon."

He walked in front of her, gazing down at her with a dark, and deadly look. "I trust that you will make the right one. I wouldn't want to do anything that I don't have to." He said the last bit in a low, menacing tone, and Sarah cringed.

"You won't." Sarah said quietly.

The king straightened, then nodded. "Good."

He turned and walked towards the door. Sarah was about sigh in relief, when the king paused at the door.

"Oh, and Sarah." He turned and looked at her over his shoulder. "I'm afraid I must order you to stay away from Jareth." Her eyes widened slightly, and he smirked. "Wouldn't want him filling your head with lies."

Then he left. Sarah sat down on her bed with a loud sigh. The king knew something was up, she was sure of it.


When night fell, Sarah snuck out of her room, and made her way out if the castle. She walked along the side of the castle, avoiding the guards that were patrolling the grounds, and slid into the bushes bellow her room's window. She picked up her two bags, and made her way to the markets. When she got to Ailos's house, Syric was there waiting for her, two horses tied to the porch railing.

He looked around the when she walked up, checking their surroundings. His eyes settled back on her.

"Are you ready?" He asked bluntly.

Sarah nodded. "Do you have to be so serious all the time? Do you know how to smile? We are going to ask someone for help, not marching off into war."

He ignored her, and mounted his horse. He looked forward, waiting for her to get on her horse. Sarah rolled her eyes, then strapped her bags to the saddle. She brought her horse up next to Syric's. He kept his eyes straight forward, and kicked his horse into a walk. Sarah sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

Sarah heard something down by the horses feet, and looked to see Zaapa sitting there, staring up at her with big puppy dog eyes.

"Oh......" Sarah sighed debating.

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