The City Al'Halonii

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I know im a terrible human being for keeping you guys waiting so long, but, I just want to say, I love all my beautiful fans! You guys are awesome, and I'm so glad you guys are liking my story so far. Its a little rough around the edges, but nothing a little editing can't fix. Here's another big chapter for you guys to take in.



Jareth looked down at Sarah's unconscious form, sadness filling his chest. He had never meant for this to happen. The banshees had been long since banished from these lands, and Jareth didn't understand why they had returned. He suddenly felt a pang of guilt settle in, and he felt like sobbing. He held it back though, worried his watchers would see him.

He pulled Sarah against his chest, and stood, cradling her in his arms.

"I know you're there." He voiced to the woods.

After several minutes of silence, black clad figures emerged from the trees, arrows pointed directly at him. Of course, a normal arrow would do nothing to him, but those weren't normal arrows. A much taller, male figure stepped forward, and gave a small, exaggerated salute.


A small hiss escaped Jareth's lips. He winced, and looked away.

"What do you want." Jareth called back, venom lacing his tone.

"I am here to escort you and your.........prize to the city gates." He said carefully, but still mockingly.

Jareth gave a small groan, and looked down at Sarah again. "She is ill. She needs a healer."

The tall man smiled, and looked behind him, motioning to someone.

"Gaffon. Come."

An elder man hobbled forward, and with surprising strength, took Sarah from his arms. He hobbled back, Sarah's hair swinging back and forth, and he walked over to a black carriage, and climbed inside. Jareth wanted to follow, but he knew by the attitude of the commander in front of him, he was in very big trouble.

Jareth started forward, but was stopped by the commanders hand. The tall man whipped out a pair of cuffs, and latched them to Jareth's wrists.

"Can't have you getting into anymore trouble til we reach the city." The commander sneered.

Jareth didn't fight, and was lead forward after the carriage that held Sarah.


Two days later, they were coming up over the crest of a hill, when a messenger came running towards them. He ran straight for the commander, who's name he had found out was Ijait.

"Commander Oddett, a letter from the King."

Ijait looked at the peice of parchment, then looked up at Jareth with a sinister smile.

"Seems that the King wishes to see your woman alone. Fancy that." He taunted.

Jareth ground his teeth together, but said nothing. He knew the King wouldn't harm Sarah, but that's not what he was afraid of.


The short, white haired man emerged from the carriage.

"Yes captain." His beard swing from his faces, as he hobbled over to Ijat's side.

He replied without looking away from Jareth. "Take the woman ahead in the carriage. The King wishes to see her before the Qi'udelan arrives."

"Yes, captain." He scurried off towards the carriage, and with a shout, the driver whipped the horses into a trot.

Jareth was watching it go, when the sound of Ijat's laughter made him look away. Jareth scowled at the man, and Ijat put his hands up.

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