Dinner Amongst Friends

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Sarah was left to her own devices after she had sent the Goblin from her room away. She had decided to call him LiTee, short for Little Terror.

Sarah walked through the halls, and eventually found herself in the throne room. She looked around, but saw no one else in the room. She spotted the Goblin Kings throne in the middle of the rather messy room, and curiosity got the better of her. She walked forward, and after looking around the room again, sat down in the chair. She was surprised as she found it rather comfortable, and leaned back in it. Sarah sat back up though after something stuck her in the back, and she reached behind her to pick up a worn riding crop. She tossed it to the side, and layed back again.

After a moment of laying there, Sarah took one of the blankets next to the chair, propped it up behind her head, and began to doze off.


Sarah woke to the sound of a slow tap-tap-tap. She peeked one eye open, and servayed the room, her gaze coming to rest on the Goblin King leaning against the outside of the stone window, tapping his riding crop against his thigh, as he gazed out at the Goblin city. Sarah sighed soundlessly, and decided to take a moment to admire the reserved Goblin King. He was wearing just his long sleeved, white poofy shirt, with a black leather vest, greenish-gray tights, and black leather boots.

Something glinted off of the Goblin Kings person that pulled Sarah from her thoughts. Sarah would not have been able to see it if his shirt wasn't completely untied. Around his neck, nestled in the crook of his chest, was a bronze pendant, hanging from a thin silver chain. It was in the shape of an upside-down V, with a strange curled symbol in the middle of it. Sarah knew she had seen him wear it before, but she never took any particular notice to it.

"Enjoying the view?"

Sarah looked up, and found the Goblin King cheekily grinning at her. Sarah turned bright red when she realized the Goblin King had been watching her size him up. She coughed, and looked away, completely mortified.

The Goblin King chuckled. "Its alright. I don't get many visitors, so feel free to look anytime you like." He winked at her when he finished.

Sarah made a disgusted sound. "Why are you here?"

He turned to completely face her, then leaned back against the edge of the window. "Why are you in my throne?"

Sarah had forgotten she had fallen asleep in his chair, and stood quickly, blushing again.

"And seeing as how this is my throne room, and that is where I come to sit and think, I believe that is why I am here." He said flatly, walking up behind her.

Sarah rounded on him, sticking her nose in the air like a snob. "Then why didn't you just wake me up, and tell me to move then?"

He smiled softly. "What? And miss seeing your peaceful face as you slept?" He waggled his finger at her, and turned towards his throne. "I think not."

He plopped down in it, throwing one of his legs up over the arm, and slouched back. He looked off into the distance, seemingly ignoring her. Sarah felt a little flattered at his statement, and smiled. She turned and walked towards the door.


She turned to look at the Goblin King, who had a rather unpleasant look on his face.

"I have made arrangements for your dinner. Your......friends are waiting for you in the dinning hall." At that he looked away again, annoyance written on his feature.

Sarah realized who he was talking about, and bounded out of the room with excitement.

Sarah asked several Goblins along the way where the 'dinning hall' was, and after three dead ends, and two rooms that were most definitely not for dinning in, she burst through big silver double doors to find Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus already seated at the table. They smiled at her as she entered, and Sarah screamed all their names in excitement, and went around to hug all of them.

"Oh! I'm so glad you are here! I thought I had left you all stranded in the woods!" Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, and took a seat next to Ludo.

"Fear not My Lady, for you are in the company of the bravest adventurers in all the Kingdom! We can find our way out of anything, am I right brother?" Sir Didymus looked at Ludo with a his head held high, his tiny sword unsheathed, and pointed in the air.

"Ludo braaavve!" He grunted, and pounded a fist on the table in agreement.

"Haha!" Sir Didymus cried with triumph.

Sarah giggled at their theatrics.

"Eh! You two couldn't find your ways out of a giants pants! I do believe I was the one who brought us out of that forest." Hoggle said smugly.

Sarah stifled a laugh, covering her mouth with her hands.

Sir Didymus, however, looked extremely confused. "Good sir, why would we be in a giants trousers?"

Sarah couldn't help it, and burst out laughing. Oh how she had missed the company of her friends.

Hoggle was in the middle of explaining to Sir Didymus that it was just an expression, when the doors on the opposite side of the room burst open, revealing a line of little Goblins carrying trays of food. They came up on either side of them, and used tiny step stools to place the trays in front of them, giving them all curt nods as they walked back out of the room.

Sarah lifted her silver dome lid, and the most tantalizing smells she had ever smelled in her life, filled her nose, making her stomach growl. She forgot that, because of her nap, she had not eaten lunch, and was famished. She looked down at her food, and found herself in heaven. Chicken Alfredo, with tomatoes, and parmesan cheese, and a side of buttered garlic bread, and asparagus spears. Sarah also noticed the glass of red wine they had placed in front of her. Eyeing it curiously, she took a bite of the Alfredo, savoring the delicious flavor, before taking a sip of the wine. Sarah had to admit that, though she was no wine expert, it tasted very good with the food.

Sarah, Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus, laughed, ate, and drank merrily all evening. Sir Didymus told us about how he saved a fair maiden from the deadly beast of the bog of eternal stench, and Hoggle told tales of how he had met the Unicorn King in all his splendor. And Ludo.....well he told them that he was brave.......a lot.

The night wisked away, and Sarah lost track of time. Soon, she found herself forced to say goodbye, as she could no longer stay awake. She meandered up into her room, feeling the effects of the wine as she stumbled several times, and almost fell to the ground for the billionth time that day, and climbed under the covers, drifting off into the sea of dreams.


Jareth watched as Sarah made her way to her room, having a rather difficult time staying upright. He would have to remeber that she was a light weight.

He smiled at the crystal ball as she finally managed to make it to the bed, but frowned realizing she was still in her dress. He decided to let it be. For once, since she had arrived in the Labyrinth, Jareth was finally starting to make head-way with her. He put the crystal ball away, smiling to himself. Now, for the journey ahead.

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