A Love Song

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Sorry guys! Late update, this chapter was a tough one. You may recall a while back, I asked for some help with song lyrics, and I did get some help from somone, but for some reason, the messages got deleted, and I lost the song I was going to use. I tried to come up with the best song I could in such a short amount of time. So here it is. Don't judge, and I hope you all like it!


Sarah woke from her sleep the next day, feeling as though she had gotten the best night of sleep in her life. She rolled over, with her eyes closed, and sighed. Sarah's eyes flew open though in shock when something else made the same noise. She came face-to-face with a blue haired creature, with three red eyes, a big round nose, and a small mouth that you could hardly see. It's feet were like small, hairy elephant feet, with four rounded balloon fingers on the end. It wasn't really that scary looking, but Sarah was so startled by it, she screamed, and flung herself out of bed, and plopped down on the ground. She couldn't help but remember the last time some creature had made her scream, and fall out of her bed. She waited a moment, then peeked her head over the edge of the bed. It was still there looking at her. Sarah decided it was harmless, and stood up all the way.

The creature looked at her in shock, and perfectly reenacted Sarah's scream, and then it fell off the bed. A moment later, it peeked its three red eyes above the edge of the bed, then stood up. Sarah couldn't help but laugh. It was copying her.

"Can you talk?" Sarah asked.

It looked at her a moment, the made a weird sound.

"Eeuoo puttteiii gyyrrroo weeeq."

Sarah looked at it, confused. "Is that your name?"

It shook its head.

"Then what is your name?"

It rubbed its balloon fingers together, looking shy.


"Zaapa?" Sarah repeated, and smiled.

She walked closer to the creature, and knelt down to its knee-high height.

"Its nice to meet you, Zaapa. My name is Sarah." Sarah, held out her hand so it could shake it.

Zaapa eyed her hand, then did the strangest thing. He put his hand out like hers, and made a 'Deeeeeeeuuuup!' noise, then put his hand back down.

Sarah found herself giggling, and put her hand down.

"Where are you fro-"

Sarah was interrupted when an out of breath Goblin King came bursting through her tents flaps, searching the room frantically.

"What's wrong Sarah? What happened?"

He spotted Zaapa, and grabbed Sarah, and pulled her away, pushing her behind him.

"Its alright Love, I will protect you." He said confidently.

Sarah pushed him out of the way, and he frowned.

"I don't need saving. This is Zaapa. He's harmless."

The Goblin King looked at the scared creatures in the corner of her tent. "Are you sure?"

Sarah walked over to Zaapa. "Yes I'm sure."

Sarah had an idea that Zaapa was a boy, but she could have been wrong. She leaned down, and reached her hand out to touch him. He flinched away at first, but then he stood still until Sarah hand touched his fur. He nudged his head up against her hand, and pretty soon, he was curled up in Sarah's arms.

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