Strange Feelings

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Hey guys! I'm sorry about the most recent delays. It was fourth of July weekend, and also a huge forest fire started close to where I live, and there is still the possibility of it reaching my house. Also, I've been scheduled to work ALOT, so I'm really stressed out. Here is a super long chapter for you guys. I hope you like it!


Sarah leaned her head against the window, completely bored. They had been traveling all day, and it was almost sunset. She had hardly spoken to the Goblin King all day, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of traveling with him is such a small space, for so long.....then again, a part of her seemed to like the idea. She silenced that part, so that she wouldn't give herself away. She fiddled with the dress she had on, the tension between them still growing. Sarah would glance up to catch the Goblin King staring at her, but then he would quickly look away. A very long time indeed.

Finally, the Goblin King announced that they would be stopping for the night to set up camp. Sarah got out of the carriage first, feeling like she was just freed from a cage. She stretched out her arms and legs, and observed the surrounding area. When they had first began, there was nothing but dry desert all around them, but now, it was woods. Very thick woods actually. It reminded Sarah of a jungle.


Sarah caught herself lingering on the sound of her name rolling off his lips, and turned to face the Goblin King.

"Yes?" She gave him a playful smile.

He eyed her, smirking. "After I set up camp, I am going to go search through the trees to get an idea as to where we are, and also to gather fire wood. I want you to stay here in the tents."

Sarah frowned. "Ok. But why are you telling me now? You haven't even started setting-"

He moved his hand, and suddenly a crystal ball appeared, and he smashed it into the ground, before making another one appear in his hand, and smashing that one into the ground as well. When the sparkles and smoke disappeared, Sarah gasped. Two giants tents were staked to the ground where he had thrown the crystals. The tents were each big enough for 10 people, and the outer wall was made from a thick material, and each one was a different color. One was red, and one was blue, and on the side of the tent, the same symbol that was engraved into her pendant, was sewn onto each tent in gold thread.

Sarah gave the smirking Goblin King a unsatisfied yawn. "I've seen better."

He walked up to her. "I'm sure you have. Now, stay here with the tents. In fact, go in the carriage, and lock the door til I get back."

Sarah was now worried. "Is there something out here that could harm us? Isn't the road back to your kingdom suppose to be safe?"

The Goblin King suddenly looked serious. "A long time ago, people used to travel through these woods, without having to worry, but, in the last few centuries, something.....dark resides in the shadows."

Sarah looked around, expecting some monster to jump out at his words.

The Goblin King broke the silence by laughing, and Sarah looked back at him to scowl. He picked up one of her hands, and kissed the back of it, letting his lips linger on her skin, before pulling away, as it sent warm chills through her body.

"You need not worry, Love. The court has allowed me to use magic to protect myself when making this journey, and I have placed a cloaking spell on the camp. You will be safe." He smirked again. "I just don't want you wandering away, and falling off a cliff."

Sarah gave him a frown, and he started to laugh. "Very funny." She pushed him away, and he started off into the woods still laughing.

Sarah shook her head, and made her way towards the carriage.


About an hour later, Sarah was still waiting. No sign of the Goblin King, and Sarah was becoming worried. She looked around at the now dark forest, shivered. What if he never comes back? Sarah pushed the thought away.

A few minutes passed, and Sarah jolted upright at a loud screeching noise. A cold tingle trickled down her spine at the sound, and she slid away from the windows. The screeching noise sounded again, and Sarah covered her ears, bent down to burry her face in her knees, trying to rid herself of the horrible sound. There was a tap on the window, and Sarah screamed, throwing herself against the opposite side of the carriage. She looked at the window to find the Goblin King smirking at her. She frowned at him, and unlocked the door.

Sarah stepped out of the carriage, eyeing the woods. "What was that sound?"

The Goblin King looked uneasy. "Nothing you need to worry yourself with, Love. Come. I'm sure you're hungry."

Sarah stomach growled in reply, and the Goblin King chuckled, taking her hand, and dragging her towards the tents. He pulled a crystal out of thin air, and tossed it on the ground in between the tents, and there was suddenly a lit fire pit, with crates of food next to it.

"I thought you said your magic was limited?" Sarah questioned, raising an eyebrow.

The Goblin King turned to look at her. "It is." He waved his hand towards the camp. "This is all but a trick in comparison to what I could do if I could use my full power."

Sarah nodded, trying not to think of what the Goblin King would be like with more power.

"What's for dinner?" Sarah asked, changing the subject.

The Goblin King smiled, and walked forward to put an arm around her waist, making Sarah bend backwards to get away. Butterflies danced in her stomach every time he got that close to her. He followed her down, bringing his face very close to hers.

"You're full of questions tonight, Love. You wouldn't even look at me in the carriage. Why the sudden change in mood?" He winked at her.

She pushed him away, and turned her back on him. "There's no 'change in mood', I'm just curious."

He walked up behind her, resting his hand on her sides. "Curious of what, Love?"

She turned in his arms, to frown. "Will you just hurry with dinner please. I'm done talking about this."

He smirked, but said nothing, as he turned and strode over to the fire.


Sarah was restless that night. She just couldn't sleep. She laid on her back looking at the roof of her tent, debating with herself, before she finally gave in. She got up, being only in her night gown, and grabbed a throw from her bed (yes there was a real bed in her tent), and walked to the doors of her tent. Sarah grabbed one side, and pulled it back slightly. She looked around the camp, and stopped as her eyes landed on the Goblin King sitting on a log by the fire. She smirked, half expecting him to have made a thrown to sit in. She watched him for a bit longer, trying to decided if she should just go back to bed or not.

"I know you're there. You can come out now."

Sarah froze. How does he do that? Sarah sighed reluctantly, and slipped between the doors of the tent. She pulled the blanket tighter, trying to keep it from touching the ground. Her hair was down, a tossled from her restless night. She sat down on the log next to the Goblin King, watching the dying fire crackle, and spark. Sarah jumped when an arm wove its way around her shoulders. Sarah looked up at the Goblin King, but he was still looking at the fire.

"What's troubling you, Love?" He spoke softly.

She looked back the fire, giving in, and leaning into him. "I don't know. I just can't sleep."

"Would you like me to help you with that?"

Sarah gave him a questioning look. "You can help me sleep?"

He gave her a hurt look. "Of course I can!" He reached a hand out, and stroked her cheek. "Here, relax. Look at the fire."

Sarah did, and his hand continued to trace lines across her face, and a moment later, Sarah fell asleep.

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