6. Her Smile

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Eunji's POV

"Wear this," Mrs Lee said as she held up a floral peach dress. The dress looks so pretty.

"Mom made it," Sera proudly said.

"Oh no, it's okay. I can just wear this," I said and looked down on what I'm wearing. Black pants and white tees.

"Oh no, I won't allow you to wear just that. I want my son to be more in love with you," she teased. "I made this all night. Can you wear it...for me? Please?" She pleaded. I sighed and chuckled and grabbed the dress from her hand. I went inside the bathroom to change and when I came out, she covered her mouth from amusement.

"You look so pretty," she commented. "Come, my son is waiting outside."

She guided me to where Howon is. As I got out of the door, I saw him with his friend. I also noticed that his mouth is slightly ajar and his friend closed it. That made me smile.

"You look amazing," Howon's friend complemented. That made me blush. No one ever told me how I look. All the people in the office are scared of me. Yeah, I know. I know that they also call me the witch.

I look at Howon and waited for him to tell something but to my disappointment, he remained silent. What the?! Why am I disappointed? Get a grip Eunji!

"You better go now," Mrs Lee said. I am about to walk to the car when Howon walked towards me and took my hand to guide me.

"Ooh~ Gentleman, eh?" His friend teased. He asked Howon if he could ride with us up to his house and Howon agreed.

We are now on the road. We are passing a road with a lot of tress on both sides when the roof suddenly opened. I look at Howon and he gave me a smile.

"Yeah! This is how you ride this thing!" Woohyun shouted. I felt my phone vibrating so I immediately check it. Mrs Hans, our client that I have a deal with, is calling. I am about to answer the call when Howon snatched the phone from me.

"Yah, give it back to me," I demanded.

"Nope, I won't," he simply said and rejected the call. He even shut my phone off.

"What the hell were you thinking? That was Mrs Hans!" I hysterically said. Why won't I be hysterical? What if that call has something to do with the deal we have??

"I don't care if it's Mrs Hans or your father. We have three days vacation to have fun, not to work. And you heard my mom, it's time to loosen up," he smirked.


"You're welcome," he said which annoyed me more.

"Are you two fighting?" His friend who's sitting at the back asked.

"Nope. This is how we show our affection for each other," he teased me more. I rolled my eyes at him and stared at the other direction.

The wind is blowing too strong that I did not notice that the hem of my dress is going up my legs until Howon pulled it down. I look at him with amusement. Is he really this gentleman?

"Waaaa~" I got shock when his friend suddenly shouted. I look at the back and saw him standing up with his hands in the air. Suddenly, a leaf went inside his mouth which choked him.

"Omo! Are you alright?" I worriedly asked. He coughed and coughed until he spit the leaf out.

"Are you alright, bro," Howon worriedly asked too.

He grinned at us. Holding the leaf on his hand he said "That was a near death experience."

Howon laughed. "That's what you get for being too much hyper."

His friend laughed as well and I did not help myself. I laughed at how idiot this man is. I laughed my heart out. When I calmed myself, I noticed Howon looking at me.

"Why?" I asked as I wipe the tears at the edge of my eyes from too much laughing.

"Nothing," he said and focused on the road again.

Howon's POV

This is my first time seeing my boss laugh like this. She's laughing like she doesn't care about the world. And you know what? I feel giddy about that. I feel like her smile can light up the whole world.

Bwoya?! Light up the whole world? Where the hell are you getting those words Howon?!

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Woohyun, Howon's best friend," Woohyun said and outstretched his hand. She accepted it and they shook hands.

"I'm Eunji. Jung Eunji."

"It will soon be Lee Eunji now," he teased.

"Tell me, how is Howon there? No offense but we were all shock when we heard that he is getting married. He never told us about dating someone. You see, this guy never hides secrets from me. He even told me that there's this girl in your office which he calls witch. I think it's his boss," he said which made me nervous. This talkative guy!

"Oh, really?" Eunji said and glared at me. "What else did he say about her?"

"Uh.. Woohyun, I don't think this is the right time to talk about it," I nervously said.

"Why? Why is this not the right time?" Eunji said and looked at me creepily. That gave me goose bumps.

"Uh.. Uhm.. It's because we are already here. You can go now, Woohyun," I nervously chuckle as I parked the car in front of their house.

"Want to come inside for a cup of coffee?" He invited us.

"It's alright, bro. We should probably get going," I immediately declined his offer. He might tell more stories to my boss. I'll be dead for sure.

"Actually, I wanted a cup of coffee," Eunji said and hopped out of the car. Oh no! I immediately hopped out as well and followed them inside.
"It's not just that. He also told me that he sometimes want to strangle his boss from too much anger," Woohyun said and laugh. Eunji laughed as well but I know it's fake. She glared at me and that scares me even more.

"That's enough story for today, Woohyun. We really appreciate the cup of coffee," I said and stood up. Woohyun stood up as well and gave Eunji a hug which startled her.

"It's so nice talking with you, Eunji," he said. "I hope you'll come back next time."
He kept hugging Eunji and I don't like what I'm seeing. I grabbed Eunji's hand and drag her next to me.

"We should be going now," I firmly said. What is this I'm feeling? I feel like I always want her to be beside me. I don't like seeing her beside other guys.

"Psh, jealousy is really strong," I heard him whisper. "Anyway, I still hope you'll come back. Ill tell you everything about Howon." He grinned at me. Some friend he is!

"We'll get going now. Bye, Wooyun," Eunji and I bid our goodbye and went to the car.

I am now driving back to our house and no one is talking. I got nervouse because of that. "Uhm.. about what Woohyun said," I started but she cut me off.

"Witch, huh?" She said and glared at me. "You wanted to strangle me?"

I let out nervous chuckles and focused on the road again. "It's not what you think."

"Then how should I think of it?" She slightly raised her voice. "So all this time that's how you see me? A witch? I bet you were the one who spread that name in the office," She laughed in disbelief. I remained quiet because what she said is true and I feel guilty about it.

Minutes after the dead silence, she suddenly laughed. She's laughing like there is no tomorrow and it's freaking me out. For a second she was angry and now she's laughing? Unbelievable!

"Witch," she said and laughed. "Well at least I got a unique name in the office," she said and looked at me. "Don't you think?"

I forced a laugh and nodded. "Ne," I answered. Oh my God! My boss is freaking me out. But nonetheless, I'm glad that she's cool with it. Well, I hope she really is.

I looked at her and she's still laughing. It made me smile. I'm glad that she's trying to loosen things up.

'You really are my enchanting wickedly boss,' I said on my mind.

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