11. So this is Heartache

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Eunji's POV

Mrs Lee waved her hand in front of my eyes and that is when I realized I've been spacing out.


"Are you alright my dear? I keep on asking you questions but it seems like you are in deep thoughts," she worriedly said.

"I'm fine, Mrs Lee. Should I raise my arms sideways so that you can measure my waist?"

"This lady. I told you to call me eommoni. When are you going to call me that," she chuckled then continued measuring my waist. That reminds me about Howon's ex. She calls Mrs Lee eommoni and I think they are very close.

"Mrs Lee?"

"Hmm?" She's still taking my measurements.

"How is Chorong like?" I suddenly asked. She stopped what she's doing and stared at me.

"How did you know about her?" She asked.

"Howon told me about her and... I met her a while ago," I said, almost whispering the last words.

"She's here?" She asked and I noticed the glow in her eyes. Whats with this girl that all of them love her? I sighed and nodded.

Mrs Lee furrowed her eyebrows and smile. "Are you nervous?" She asked as she measured my height.

"Sort of. Well I bet every girl who will get married gets nervous," I chuckled.

"I'm not talking about the wedding."


"Are you nervous that Howon might still have feelings for her?" She smiles again. I did not answer and just stared at the ground. She placed the pencil on the table, faced me and held my shoulders.

"To tell you honestly, I don't know if he still has feelings for her but here's what I can assure you. He loves you and he chose you. He loves you more than anything and that is the reason of this wedding," she smiled and pat my shoulders before getting back to taking my measurements.

"Believe me, my dear. I know my son," she winks.

I do want to believe in her, that Howon loves me. That the reason behind this marriage is because we love each other. But I can't. Knowing the reason of this marriage is because I forced him, because I am too selfish that I don't want to loose my career and because we had a deal that I'll give him his life-long dream.

And I wish I did not do that. I wish that I can turn back time and redo everything that happened in my life. I wish I can go back in time when I first met Howon. I wish I was not the witch he knew in the office and I wish he had seen me as who I really am.

I wish Howon loves me too.

I wish he loves me too.

I wish he'll learn how to love me too. But I know it is impossible. It will never happen.

"There, all done," Mrs Lee said which made me back to my senses. "The gown will be done after three days," she excitedly said.

"Please wait here, I'll just get something," she let me sit on the chair in front of the mirror then went inside a room. After a minute, she came back holding a square jewelry box. She opened it and it revealed a very pretty necklace with a gem pendant.

"That is so pretty," I said with so much amusement.

"This is from my great grandmother. She passed this on to my grandmother then to mother and my mother passed this to me on my wedding," she said and unbuckled the lock of the necklace then she wore it around my neck.

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