First day

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I opened my eyes and looked around my room. Nothing has changed , I wonder if they thought I would come back.
I got up from my bed and opened my window letting the sun shine in my room. I opened my closet and found a cute purple dress that was simple but elegant. I took my school bag and putted on my black heels. I sat down in my chair and looked the mirror thinking what should I do with my hair today . After some thinking I thought I would just let it out like it normally is . I putted on my red lipstick and perfume and went out of my room.

I went in the kitchen saying good morning to my mom .
" your up early " she said drinking coffee.
" yeah I am excited for school" I lied . I hate going to school but if I don't graduate then my life is over.

When Michelle was ready we went out of the house .
The entire walk Simone was talking about the project we meybe will have.

We got to school and we went through the gates and I felt like everybody was watching me I thought I was just paranoid but I wasn't . I looked around and all eyes were on me .
" don't stress, this happened to all the girls on the first day" Simone said .
I just smiled but I felt uncomfortable.

When we were almost at the door I looked at my left and I saw him . The boy I had seen in the store with his mother . His eyes locking mine he just smirked a bit and told something to his friends.

Joseph POV:
I saw the girl walk in the school with her purple dress and black heels. I couldn't help but to smile she's beautiful I thought to myself .
" she's hot" my friend said to me.
" she is " I quietly agreed.
We were making eye contact and I could help to smirk at her .

Rose POV:
I walked inside the class and the only seat available was next to a blonde hair girl. I went up to her and asked her" can I sit here ?" .
She looked up to me and answered " of course".
I sat down and putted my notebook on my desk. " I'm rose by the way "
" I'm Annick" she smiled a bit at me.

The teacher came in and started to talk about what we will be doing for our next test.
The entire lesson I felt like somebody was watching me so looked around and meet his eye.
The guy with the eye patch was starring at me. I looked at him back but he dint break eye contact so I did and went back to listening to the teacher.

After the lesson I got outside and smoked my cigarette when Michelle came next to me .
" do you know the guy with a eye patch ?" I asked her inhaling smoke.
" you mean Joseph ? Yes I know him" she replied confused a bit .
" you wanna know how he lost one eye ?" Michelle asked me.
" sure" I turned to face her and listened .

" well basically he is a bully and one time I pissed him off and he got his revenge by putting a bucket of water on to the door and wen I came in it fell on me I was all wet. After I got send to the nurses office jean came and punched him, he had glasses so glass got in his eye" she told the story .

" he's an assholle " I said looking at her .
Now I don't like him after what he had done to my sister. He's just a bully who's pretty.

After some other lessons I went home in my room to do my homework , when I heard my brother Jean talking to someone I looked outside my window and saw Simone . They were talking I dint think much of it but then they kissed . Oh no. Did Michelle know ? Did parents know ? I don't think I should have seen that.
I closed my window and went back to doing work trying to not think about what I just saw.


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