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The next school day I was almost late tho the first lesson. I walked in the class the last second. I sat down and the lesson started, i smiled at Michelle and Simone.  The lesson was Latin and the teacher ignored all the girls. I had my arm raised up but the teacher ignored me. I got so mad I looked at Annick and said " Wen men are finally gonna realise were smarten than them". She chuckled " I hope soon ".

" a yes mrs.descamps do you know the answer ?" The teacher saw descamps raise his hand.
" I think the girl in the front has her hand up" he says looking at me smiling.
" oh yes, well what's the answer Rose?" The teacher asked me finally seeing that I'm there too.

I walked outside finding Michelle and Simone.
I walked towards them and sat down.
" How many more teachers ignore the girls in this school" I asked them.
" Mostly every teacher " Simone answered. I looked at Michelle and she was looking around I looked at the same direction and saw descamps near the toilet with his friends. Guys handing him money and walking in the toilet.
" What do you think there doing?" Michelle asked me.
" I don't know Michelle, but we will probably find out later" I smiled at her.

The bell rang and we went in tho the class. I sat down next to Annick and I looked around. Mostly the guys were not in the class yet. Weird I thought to myself because they should be here by now.
Suddenly descamps and his friends came in the class sitting down.
After some time the teacher walked in the class and started to teach us.

" what's taking him so long?" I could hear descamps friends ask him.
" he probably went deaf, he couldn't hear the bell" Descamps joked.
The class doors opened and came in a blond boy apologising that he's late and sitting down.

I was listening to the teacher but I could hear the boys talking about something I looked behind me and the blond boy was trying to give Descamp some type of magazine.
Before descamps could take it Annick snatched the magazine. I laughed a bit with Annick. Annick tried ripping it and Descamps was telling her not to. He stud up a bit trying to get the magazine but I slapped his hand so he wouldn't get it.
He looked at me a bit shocked but I just smirked at him ignoring his reaction.
The teacher looked at us and we all froze in our seats acting like everything is fine.
When she turned back to teach, Annick throned the magazine and it landed on some guys table he yelled " don't give it to me" . He throned the magazine and it landed on Michelle's table. Michelle's eyes went wide and the teacher came and took the magazine.

After the lesson I was walking out of the class and Descamp with his friends walked past me. I looked descamps in the eyes and he said looking at me " you better get the magazine back".
I laughed and sarcastically said " yeah sure".
He looked at me up and down and went outside with his friends.

I was standing outside a cigarette between my fingers and listening to Simone talk about how her birthday is soon but her parents aren't letting her celebrate with her friends that day.
Suddenly a thought came in my head " what about we have a beach party this week? I can plan it. It will be like your birthday party but not on the exact date".
Simone thought about it " actually we can yes, it's hot these days too so beach would be perfect".
Michelle looked at me a bit sad " I don't think my parents will let me come Rose".
"Don't worry, i will talk to them".

It was lunch and I was sitting with the girls just enjoying my food listening to others talk.
Simone suddenly gasped " Rose but I don't have that much friends, the party will be boring ".
I looked around the cafeteria " Don't worry Simone. Look around, here is more people than you will need. Invite all the people but say it's Simone's birthday party then they'll know who you are , maybe you will become friends with some people at the party".
" That's a great idea Rose but I don't know how to invite people".
" leave that up to me" I said smiling at her.

I turned to my left and meet Descamps eye, I felt like he was  looking in my soul. His face cold with no emotion. I just turned to face Simone again ignoring him.

After school i went outside and before some people could go home I invited them to the beach party and said to tell other people about it.
When I talked to some people I started to walk home when suddenly somebody was walking next to me I looked who it was and it was Joseph .
Our shoulders were slightly touching while walking and I only now realised how tall he was compared to me.

After the awkward silence Joseph spoke " So am I invited to the party?".
" I don't know Joseph, will you bring Simone a gift?" I asked looking at him.
He smirked a bit and looked back at me " Sure". He stopped walking and stay in the street watching me go home.
" Then see you there" I said turning back to look at him smiling a bit.

I went home and saw Michelle and Simone studying together while Jean was sitting on the couch smoking his cigarette.
I started to remember that day when I saw Simone with Jean kissing. I want to ask about them but I don't know if Michelle knows.
I went to my room and took a little nap to not think about it much.

Hope you like the book this far :)
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Your in my way ( Joseph descamps) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora