What if i never went back to him?

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The week went quickly. I dint go to school and said goodbye to everyone. I got my bags packed and was ready to leave. Me and Joseph dint really talk this week but all I knew he was coming with me to Paris.
I was the happiest girl ever.
I went outside to smoke my cigarette when a car pulled up the door opened and came out Joseph.
I dropped my cigarette going to him.
I gave him a kiss on the lips and hugged him.
" this is our car" he said looking at me.
" what?" I said looking at him
" mom gave me it to me, well...... to us" he said rapping around me his hand.
" I have something to tell you " he said sadly.
I looked at him scared what will he say " what is it?".
" I'm not coming to Paris with you" he said ignoring my eyes.
I looked at him and my smile dropped before I could start crying he liked at me.
" I was just kidding ,if you want we can leave right now" he said looking at me.
I punched him softly. Such an asshole. I laughed nodding my head.
I ran upstairs taking my bags and putting them in the car. I left a note on michelles table and another one in the kitchen for my parents. I got inside the car and we drove to school.
I walked outside the car and ran to Michelle and Simone hugging them.
" goodbye, I will come back in the summer" I said as they hugged me back not letting me go.
" i will miss you" Simone said looking at me.
I smiled to her and looked at Michelle " at least we have a proper goodbye now" she smiled. The ball rang I went back tho the car.
I sat down and sighed.
I felt Joseph arm on my tight " you okey?"
I looked at him and smiled " yes, let's go" I said kissing his cheek. As we drove I looked outside my window getting the last look from my home.
Leaving now dint bring me such sadness as it did the first time I went to Paris. This felling was good it was excitement mixed with scaredness but it felt great.

* after 15years*

Me and Joseph had a proper good house that had a view of the Eiffel Tower. Joseph was a painter and I became a doctor. We have a daughter named Amelie with Joseph's eyes and my attitude.
It's all I have ever wanted a loving husband, good job and a kid. We still keep contact with our family's and we go see them from time to time.
I sometimes wonder what would be happening with my life if I just never went back to him. I'm glad I did.
Ofc Joseph is still and asshole sometimes but he's mine and that won't change.

Wanted to apologise how rushed this is.
I'm so sorry 😭
This is the end of the book I hoped you enjoyed it.

Will be writing a new book that will be longer/better and it will be more like the show in the beginning.
I don't know when it's gonna be out but I hope soon.

Thank you for reading this
Take care <3

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