2:the beginning

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No one pov:

Felix kept working as usual, his shift started at 7 am and will end around 18 pm .

Yes, it was indeed alot, but he was okey with that since returning to his current apartment Will only remind him of how lonely he is.

Because, yes, after his sisters death he was only around 16-17 years old so he bought a new tiny apartment or more of a studioto be honest, with the money he gained after selling their grandparents house, since he found it haunting with all the memories and he didn't feel at ease knowing he was alone in a big place like that.

Without forgetting that he had to pay water and electricity bills.

And obviously- he had no money.

He moved to the capital in Seoul and he was working, and studying for his final exams at the same time.

Gladly he graduated tow years ago.

But he isn't a college student, reason?

-he had no money and time.

He didn't have enough time to college because of his job and if he quite the job he won't have money so no more college and no more place to live in.

After some hours of working he noticed someone entering the cafe, he had black hair, and a pale skin the only visible thing were his black siren eyes since he was wearing a mask, covering the rest of his face.

Felix didn't really bother, it very normal, until he noticed that the man went directly to sit, not even bothering to order something.

Felix think that maybe he wants to look at the menu, so he brush it off.

The weird feeling was whenever he looks up his eyes met with that man one's.

It wasn't a butterfly feeling, or love at first sight.


It was an uneasy feeling.

And especially when he noticed the man was fucking sketching him.

Normally people would take it as a compliment, but not for Felix. It's really didn't feel right.

After about 1 hour and a half, Felix went to that man.

F-" excuse me sir, if you don't order you have to leave there is people's who wants to sit and eat their food or drink their coffee."

The man glance up at Felix, making Felix nervous suddenly, especially after noticing what seems like a very creepy smirk behind the man mask.

The man stands up and look now down at Felix, he was much taller than expected, making Felix feel very small.

? -" my apologies I will leave but may I order an Americano? "
F-"okey sure it will be ready in 3 minutes. "

That man voice was like silk, smooth and elegant, yet cold and making Felix uneasy.

Felix wasn't paranoid, there was definitely something wrong with that man.

Felix run behind the counter and start making the man Americano.

As promised, 3 minutes later it was ready.

He gave it to the man and the man paid and left.

Felix sigh, and keep working for the next 3 hours and then finally.

His shift ended.

He takes off the apron and left.

He puts some music in his earphones and walks down the street to his apartment and yet again he felt that weird feeling of being watch.

Once he got in his studio, he takes a quick shower, and cut his wrists a usual before crying for some minutes and then finally throw himself on the bed and sleep...


How is the story so far? (Sorry for the mistakes)

See you next time, take care


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