Chapter 13

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"Hey! Hello? Lana?" Bex waved her hand in front of Lana's face, but the brunette appeared lost in her thoughts. "Lana!!"

The brunette didn't immediately respond; instead, she leaned back in her chair, her gaze shifting from her plate to her best friend. "I don't like Jen's fiancé."

"Uhm, okay?" Bex felt a sense of confusion about Lana's sudden revelation. "Have you even met him?"

"No, not really. I talked to him on the phone a couple of nights ago, and he was really possessive over Jen."

"Possessive like you used to be?" the redhead smirked, unable to contain a chuckle as her best friend's eyes widened in surprise.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh, come on, darling. I remember how you wouldn't relax until you knew Jen arrived safely on set."

"Well, I... That's different! Something could've happened to her on the way to set, so... I was just always relieved when she got there."

"Mhmm," Bex hummed with amusement, taking a sip from her coffee.

"But seriously, Bex, he was really terrible to her on the phone."

"They're engaged, honey, which means they're bound to have disagreements. Marc and I had a spat this morning before I came here, too."

Lana's face softened, and her dark eyes scrutinized Bex with concern. "Why? What happened?"

"It was nothing major, but that's my point. When you truly love each other, you're bound to have disagreements."

"I know that, Bex; I was married too, remember?"

The redhead nodded, "Then why are you making such a big deal out of it? Are you being possessive again?" A mischievous grin formed on her lips, causing Lana to playfully roll her eyes.

"Ha Ha, I'm dying laughing," Lana murmured, picking up a grape from the bowl of fruit salad and tossing it at Bex.


"Deserved it," the brunette grinned before resuming her scrambled eggs.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Bex smirked, her eyes playful. "Is our hiking trip still on today? Or did you change your mind and decide to spend the day on the couch?"

Lana, with a hint of amusement, nodded. "We're hiking today." She couldn't help but chuckle softly at the dramatic sigh that escaped Bex.

"Why did I even agree to that?"

"Because it's therapeutic."

Bex quirked an eyebrow. "You know what else is therapeutic? Staying home and watching movies all day."

Lana grinned. "And we'll do that — but next time."

Letting out another sigh, Bex reached for the bottle of orange juice, pouring herself a generous serving before taking a satisfying gulp.

"I, uhm.. I- I thought, that, well, m- maybe I could- we could-"

Skeptically, Bex lowered the glass of orange juice, her expression amused as she scrutinized her best friend.

The brunette promptly cleared her throat, feeling a tad exposed. "How would you feel about, uhm, you know, a- asking... Jen to join us?" Lana's words came out with a hint of hesitancy, as if she was unsure of how the suggestion would be received.

"I knew this was coming," the redhead smirked, her eyes glinting with playful mischief.

"Well, thanks for making me struggle through this question anyway." The sarcasm in Lana's voice made the other woman chuckle, enjoying the banter between them.

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