Chapter 34

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"Good morning, my lovely love," Bex grinned as she walked inside the house, pulling Lana into a tight hug.

"Someone's in a good mood," the brunette chuckled, kissing her best friend hello and gesturing for her to come into the kitchen.

"I am. It's a beautiful, sunny morning, and my best friend invited me over for breakfast." Sitting down on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island, the redhead exhaled deeply and smiled as soon as she saw the iced coffee in front of her. She took a sip, her eyes scrutinizing Lana, who was finishing preparing breakfast. "You look good."

The brunette smiled while serving the scrambled eggs onto two plates. "Thanks. I did some yoga in the sun after Jen left for work, and now I'm starving."

"Ah, that's why blondie isn't here."

"Yeah, she's directing. And I was—" Lana stopped, biting her lower lip. "I was thinking about surprising her later by picking her up. Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Lovely, why wouldn't it be?" Bex asked, watching her best friend sit down next to her. The kitchen island was filled with delicious breakfast treats: fluffy pancakes, fresh strawberries, crispy bacon, and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice. The redhead immediately put some pancakes and strawberries on her plate, savoring the sweet aroma.

"Because what if anyone sees me? That'd be weird, wouldn't it? They're all in the industry and—and officially, everybody thinks that Jen and I don't even talk."

"Oh, I see," Bex said, her expression thoughtful.

Lana nodded, her fork lazily pushing scrambled eggs around her plate. "I just don't want to cause any trouble for her."

"You could just stay in the car?"

"Well, no, because I'd have to take an Uber there. Otherwise, we both have our cars there, and that's unnecessary."

"Then put on some big sunglasses and try not to look like your gorgeous self," Bex grinned. "That's the only plan, darling."

Lana laughed, the tension easing from her shoulders. "I guess I could manage that. It's just... I want to make her feel loved, you know? And picking your partner up from work is letting them know they're loved."

Bex reached over and squeezed Lana's hand. "I know, and it's a sweet idea. Blondie will love it. Just be careful and nobody will notice you."

The brunette smiled, feeling more confident about her plan. "You're right. Thanks, Bex. I needed that."

"No need to thank me. Didn't you have a barbecue with Blondie's family? How was that?" Bex asked, leaning forward with curiosity.

"Yeah, a few days ago," Lana nodded, taking a sip from her orange juice. She began to recount the events of the barbecue, detailing how she got along great with Jen's brother and brother-in-law. Though her expression shifted as she reached the part about the incident with Julia.

"Ugh, her sister sounds insufferable," Bex groaned. "Probably runs in the family." This comment earned her a sharp glare from Lana, and the redhead raised her hands apologetically. "Sorry, sorry."

"Julia just wants to make sure Jen doesn't get hurt," Lana explained, her tone calm but firm.

"Excuse me, but she was the one who hurt you,."

"In Julia's eyes, Jen had every reason to," the brunette sighed. "And she's partially not wrong, even though her execution might not have been the best."

"That's a nice way to say she gay panicked and didn't care who she hurt in the process."


"I know, you two are past this, but I'm just saying. Her sister really has no right to hold you accountable for Blondie's mistake."

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