Chapter 19

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"Okay," Lana said as she gracefully stepped out of the car, the warmth of the sun kissing her skin. With a practiced motion, she slid on her favorite pair of sunglasses, shielding her eyes from the California sun, and ran a hand through her dark, cascading locks. "Any idea where we go in first?"

"Me? We're looking for an outfit for you," Jen replied, her eyes glinting with amusement as she too effortlessly retrieved a pair of chic sunglasses from her purse.

"Yeah, but don't you wanna buy something too? I didn't drive all the way to Beverly Hills just for me."

"So you drove to Beverly Hills for me?" the blonde teased, her eyes following Lana as she closed the distance between them, gracefully moving around the car to stand by her side.

"Well," Lana grinned, her tone playful, "I know that you're a little more high-maintenance than me."

"Says the woman with Chanel sunglasses on her nose."

"They're like five years old," the brunette defended, her eyes sparkling with humor. "But that's a good start. Chanel it is, then?"

"I don't know; I mean, you're meeting the guy for coffee."

"What do you suggest, then?"

Jen pondered for a moment before gesturing towards Rodeo Drive. "Let's just walk a bit and get inspired."

"Fine," Lana agreed with a nod, and the two women embarked on their leisurely stroll down the busy street. The designer boutiques and luxury stores lined their path, displaying an array of opulent creations. A few quiet seconds passed before Lana spoke again, her tone light-hearted, "Are you gonna buy me ice cream?"

Jen smirked until her thoughts drifted to Marcus and their earlier conversation. His suggestion that she should watch what she eats still lingered, a sour note in an otherwise delightful day. Turning her head to look at Lana, she couldn't ignore the warmth in her brown eyes, a genuine excitement visible.

"Sure," the blonde eventually smiled, pushing aside the unwelcome thoughts. "I can do that."

Lana's grin grew wider, and, for a fleeting moment, her hand found Jen's. Both women knew that if they weren't on the bustling streets of Beverly Hills, Lana wouldn't have hesitated to keep their hands intertwined.


"Don't you wanna go shopping first?" Jen chuckled. "We only just arrived."

"Nah, that can wait. I wanna have ice cream with you," Lana grinned, her hand finding her ex co-star's again. This time, the brunette glanced around, contemplating how surely no one would recognize them, especially not amidst the bustling crowd and with their sunglasses on—so she kept holding Jen's hand.

And so, now hand in hand, the two women strolled down the sunlit sidewalks of Beverly Hills. As they approached an inviting ice cream parlor, the brunette gently tugged on Jen's hand, guiding them inside. The sweet aroma of freshly made waffle cones enveloped them as they entered, and a colorful array of ice cream flavors beckoned from behind the glass counter.

"I can't believe you dragged me here to get ice cream before we even have socks," Jen couldn't help but chuckle as they settled at a small table, facing each other.

"Why would I need socks?" the other woman quipped, a playful grin tugging at her lips.

"You know what I mean," Jen replied with a laugh.

Lana shrugged, her expression unapologetic. "I just felt like having ice cream with you." She reached for the menu in the center of the table, handing it over to the blonde before grabbing one for herself from a nearby empty table.

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