Chapter 33

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"Hey, do you need any help with dessert?" Lana's voice, tinged with eagerness, floated into the cozy kitchen where her girlfriend's sister was.

Turning her head, Julia's expression remained neutral as the brunette entered, her smile polite but lacking warmth. "No, it's fine. I made a lemon meringue pie; I just have to take it out of the fridge and slice it."

"Where are the plates?" Lana asked with an enthusiastic smile on her face, masking the nervousness churning inside her. She was keenly aware of how much Jen loved and valued her sister's opinion, and she desperately wanted Julia to like her. Given the fact that their mother probably never would, Lana felt the need to try harder with her girlfriend's siblings.

Julia gestured towards the cabinets with a curt nod and watched the brunette take out a few plates.

"I've never had lemon meringue pie, but it sounds delicious," the actress remarked, trying to fill the silence with small talk. "And with this weather, it's a refreshing choice."

"That's why I made it."

Lana's smile faltered momentarily, a pang of disappointment creeping in. She cleared her throat and simply nodded, trying to shake off the unease.

"Can I ask you something, Lana?"

The woman immediately started to beam again. Nodding enthusiastically, she replied, "Of course. What do you wanna know?"

"Whose idea was it?"

"Whose idea was what?"

"My sister moving in with you," Julia clarified as she walked over to the fridge. "Whose idea was it?"

"Oh, uhm.. well, I guess it was mine? Like I said, I didn't want her to be alone in a hotel room."

"Okay," was Julia's simple answer, before she turned her attention to the pie. Taking it out of the fridge, she placed it on the kitchen island.

The brunette watched her with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, standing by the counter with her hands fidgeting slightly. The tense atmosphere between them lingered, casting a shadow over the otherwise cozy kitchen. Julia's movements were precise, each slice of the pie landing perfectly on the waiting plates. There was a controlled grace to her actions, but Lana couldn't shake off the feeling of being scrutinized under Julia's distant gaze.

Once the slices were arranged on the plates, the woman stepped back, her expression unreadable. Lana hesitated for a moment before speaking up, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "That pie looks amazing, really."

Julia glanced at the brunette briefly before offering a small smile. "Thanks."

An uncomfortable silence enveloped them again, and Lana had to hold back a desperate sigh. Her girlfriend's sister was so closed off towards her, and she had no idea how to break the ice. She thought back to her conversation with Jen and how she had told her that her sister didn't like her because she thought Lana was playing her — leading her on. Julia obviously didn't know about their relationship change, so the brunette chewed on her bottom lip and meticulously thought about how she could show her how much Jen meant to her, without revealing the fact that they were in a relationship.

"Julia, I wanted to thank you again for letting me join your barbecue. It means a lot to me, and you all welcomed me so nicely," Lana expressed with genuine gratitude, her voice carrying a hint of warmth despite the lingering tension.

The other woman, fully turning around towards the brunette, furrowed her brows slightly as she regarded Lana. "Why?" Her tone was sharp, laced with curiosity and a touch of skepticism.

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