i dance (versions one and two)

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i dance (version one)

what is a song?

a repeated rhythm that can get stuck in your head?

if that is true then

i dance around the truth

the problems

the words

the waiting.

i dance to

the sound of the trees

tapping of my fingers on a phone screen

squeaking of shoes on a gym floor.

i dance to

the number five

the arms of my friends wrapped tight around me

the turn of a page.

i dance to the tired eyes

i dance to the laughter

i dance to the tears

i dance to smiles that sometimes are still a little too hard

i dance to late nights and early mornings

i dance to the calling of my name

i dance.

here's to being alive.

tw: ed

i dance (version two)

what's a song?

a repeated rhythm that can get stuck in your head?

if that's true then

i dance around the truth,

the problem,

the words,

the thoughts.

i dance to the sound of

bare feet on a scale and

the pouring of water and

the keys on my computer as i look up the calories.

i dance to the tears

i dance to the laughter

i dance to the brief ecstasy

i dance to the growl of a stomach in the morning

i dance to starvation

i dance.

i dance until i am too weak to even stand,

i dance until i collapse.

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