what esse means to an end

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your lips pink like budding roses,

skin soft and smooth like a newborn rabbit,

eyes clear like a running stream,

you reek of life.

you encapsulate spring

and everything it stands for:

vivid beauty and unrelenting growth,

and you can't help but to

be seen and loved and worshiped as you are

and i don't blame you for it.

but all the while

my feet drag through the mud as i

stagger behind,

a desiccated corpse compared to your willowy grace.

my cheeks are sickly sunken and yellowed

and gray mold creeps over my gums.

i open my mouth to scream but

my teeth are blackened and falling out.

my poor decaying fingers stretch out to yours,

oh so thin and lithe and smooth

and reminding me that i am nothing like you.

you're everything my rotting skin and my rank stench

could never dream to be.

you're what flows through the world

as i lurch behind,

hoping to catch and hold onto

just a bit of your beauty,

a bit of your light

despite how it so agonizingly continues to

pierce my fetid flesh.

and as you stand in front of the mirror and criticize

your imperceivable (arguably nonexistent) flaws

while i wither here beside you,

metaphorically paling in comparison

to your carved ivory skin

i begin to notice that the grave i continue to dig for myself

feels a hell of a lot deeper than six feet.

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