self-management amnesia

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tw: effects of an ed

i've forgotten how to care that

i shiver in a warm room,

that dark spots dance in front of my eyes whenever i stand.

i've forgotten how to care that

it now takes me hours to fall asleep at night,

that i haven't had my period in three months,

that the scale reads the entrance to dangerland.

i've forgotten how to care that my hair is beginning to fall from my head,

that my leggings no longer fit tightly,

that my poor body aches for a break i refuse to provide,

that it's harder and harder to wake up every morning,

that i lose myself in books because i could care less about this world,

that my lips are chapped and my nails are breaking,

that it's possible for my showers to last less than a half hour,

that my heartbeat is slowing down more and more each day.


that people are beginning to notice.

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