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tw: alludes to an ed

Once upon a time,

there was a girl born with a hunger.

A hunger that reverberated

deep in her bones,

the curl of her stomach and

the split of her ribs.

But this girl chose something other than food

to satiate herself.


While the rest of the country became


and unhappy

and spent their time

in a grocery store

buying coke and pizza

and picking up fast food

on the way home.

As grease dripped from their fingers,

blood from the papercuts made her own just as slick

as she flipped page after page.

She spent her time in the libraries,

browsing the shelves.

(What to consume today?)

She read and read and read until

the library had nothing else to feed her.

(We're all out,

you've sucked us dry.)

What to do now?

There's nothing left for her and so

she discovered she could make the words

flow from her own fingertips

--she couldn't type fast enough--

and she'll always be hungry,

but she's learned to love the hunger and

shove something else in its place.

She might starve to death or she might not,

but for now she gorges herself on


as she writes this poem.

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