Beginning of my life. (Chapter 1)

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I'm Olina Grayson people call me Lina. I come from California, what part?, honestly I don't know. I have a little sister named Summer, she is 10. I'm 16 in 10th grade I went to a private school, but now I'm going to start in a public one.

Today was the big first day of public school, I was everything, but excited. you're probably wondering what I mean by that, I'm not ready for the bullies." Olina, time for school" called my Mom. I grabbed my bookbag and jacket and slowly walked down the stairs.

I tilted my head as I seen a strange man walk from around the corner, "who Is he?," I asked her looking him up and down. "he is my new boyfriend," she said adjusting her coat on as if she was nervous. I looked at him and I could tell something was wrong.

We left out the house, I swung open the door and sat down, not even bothering to ask questions on why he was coming with us. When we arrived at school, I looked around at all the kids entering the high-school. I finally entered the building Into big halls, this was definitely unlike my old school.

I looked at my schedule, first class I had was English, room 412. I walked around the school looking for the class, but when I arrived there it wasn't a pleasant look. I knocked twice on the door and took a step back not knowing what was going to come.

When the door opened a tall brownskin guy appeared, was he the teacher?, or was he a student?. " Um, I'm Olina Grayson, I'm new here this my first class," I said with all the confidence I built up on the way here. He started to laugh at me and walk past me, then another person appeared to the door.

"Welcome to my class Miss Grayson, take a seat please. I walked into the room full of kids, I took an empty seat next to the door. I sat my bookbag down beside my desk, and sat there for directions to be giving. The same boy, walked back in and sat next to me, I guess that was his seat.

"Okay you guys, today we are gonna finish off talking about..." I kinda drifted off in my own world before he gave instructions, I missed my old friends, but did they miss me?. " Exscuse me Olina," said the teacher, taking a seat on the stool next to me. I looked at him to let him know he had my attention.

" You were not here Friday, I'll give you these to copy from," He said, handing me a packet of words. he stood up ready to walk back to his desk before I called him back. " Do I copy all of this, like the words?," I asked hoping he'd say no. " Yes, Miss Grayson you do" he said with a smile walking away.

I took a notebook from my bookbag, and I began writing from the packet. before class ended, I got at least a whole page done. *bell rings to end first bell*. I grabbed my things, and headed to my next class math. I took my seat, when the teacher entered to room, the class had all eyes on him.

Well maybe the girls did, I can't even lie to you he was a fine piece of work. Nice low cut, suit on as if he just came from a wedding. His smile made my heart melt out of my chest. " I have never seen nothing hotter then this" I said loud meaning to say it in my head. The whole class began looking at me,

"I meant like the sun, nothing can get hotter then that, right?" I said trying to persuade them I wasn't talking about the teacher. From their looks, I didn't do a good job. "it's okay, I had that moment as well," said a girl with pretty long black hair, and the eyes of a star.

I smiled back at her acknowledging her comment. "I'm Olina Grayson, I'm new here it's my first day," I said starting a conversation. we began talking until the teacher interrupted. "So we have a new face in the class, why don't you come up here?," he said looking me in the eye.

My legs trembled trying to get up from my seat, I finally made it up to the class and seen so many eyes staring back at me. I looked towards the teacher for him to just tell me to sit, but he smiled and gave me the floor to speak. " I'm Olina Grayson, I came from a private school and today Is my first day here," I said looking down at my toes. I took my seat, filled with embarrassment.

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