My innocence has left(Chapter 4)

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I wanted to get up and leave, but the darkness in the room scared me. What if it was my mom boyfriend, the most scariest night replayed in my mind. it all stop when the light from the door entered the dark room and shadow appeared. I brung my knees against my chest, as I watched who would appear from behind the door.

IT. WAS. HIM. My heart jumped and I swear I thought it was finna burst out my chest. He walked to me as he stood like a wall over. "why am I here?," I asked impatientently. He glared down at me still sitting down in the bed. "You can leave now," He said exiting the room,

I slowly got off the bed and slip my foot back into my shoes. I stood up and followed him to his front door, my eyes explored around the house in excitement. his house was bigger than what my house was. I walked out the door, and he said he would drive me home.

"w-what's your name?," I said looking down at my shoes, I could see he was staring holes into my face with those beautiful blue eyes of his. "Justin," He said with a voice as deep as the ocean. Something about him was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

On the way home I stared out the window as the silence filled the car, Justin? that was his name, something about that name made my head spin. OMG THATS WHEN IT HIT ME. HE WAS MY CHILDHOOD BULLY, JUSTIN FREAKING MCGAIN. we finally pulled into the driveway, I quickly got out the car and raced into the house shutting the door behind me.

I walked up to my room, when my mom's boyfriend grabbed me, he slammed my body against the wall and it sent a shiver cold up my spine. "listen little brat, I wanna please you so bad," He whispered into my ear, as he covered my mouth. Tears quickly filled my eyes as I felt his body pressed against me.

His finger slowly went down my body, as soon his hand left my mouth I screamed as loud as I could. "shut the fuck up," He said raising his hand at me, but that anit stop me from screaming. The door busted open and Justin ran inside and pulled the man off me, I dropped onto the floor.

My air began to shortend, I tried to grasp the air as it felt like my lungs were closing up. I finally was able to breathe again, I sat up and seen Justin beating the heck out of him. I finally was able to stand, I ran outside and down the street the fastest I could.

Rain was still pouring, my hair was getting wet and my vision was blurry. My heart pounded as hard as a rock would when it hit the ground. All my thoughts came back to me, Justin was back in my life, I was just sexaully assaulted by my mom's boyfriend.

Tears ran down my cheeks, from all the stress that was building up, I didn't know what to do. I stopped running to catch my breath as a black SUV pulled up slowly beside me. "Olina get in the car now," He said angrily. How did he still remember my name, I kept my eyes onto the hard concrete.

"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR OLINA" He screamed at me, my eyes quickly looked at his and I flinched at the harsh words he chose to use. I opened the car door and got in, I kept my eyes out the window. The rain poured harder and harder as we drove fast. "could you please slow down," I said with a shaky voice.

My eyes we still glaring out the window, I could feel as the car slowly slowed down. "Olina..," He said with a softer tone in his voice. For some reason it made butterflies in my stomach swirl around, "hm..?," I said underneath my breath. "I know you now know I'm Justin, the one who bullied you."

He said focusing his eyes onto the road, my eyes finally looked at the side of his beautiful, handsome jawline."I don't wanna talk about this, Justin," I said ending the conversation there. We pulled back into his driveway, this was the last place I honestly wanted to be.

"Why are we here?.." I asked him finally glancing at his icy blue eyes. "I wanna make sure your okay, so your gonna stay the night and I'll take you to school," He said turning off the car and finally making eye contact with me. "I-I don't wanna be here Justin, not with you," my words came out more harsh then expected.

He gave me a cold glare and said "Well than walk back to the house with a man who almost raped you." Tears filled my eyes as he said that so blunt and cold, I felt as the tear rolled down my cheek. I got out the car and began walking In the rain, I didn't wanna be with somebody else who hurt me in the past.

I could hear his footstep behind me as he shout my name, I turned to him, a tall mountain standing in front of me.

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