My new enemy (chapter 3)

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I sat in the class full of rage from everything that was happening, was it my fault?, did I do something to provoke all this?. those two questions replayed in my mind all day, I straightened up in my seat once the teacher called me.

"Olina?, is that how u pronounce it?" he said curiously. I couldn't get my eyes to look up, so I stayed to stare at My black and white Jordan 4's. "Yes?" I said fidgeting with my fingers, "The counselor would love to see you, do you know your way?" The teacher asked before returning to his desk.

"I nodded my head and grab my things, I left the classroom as quick as a rabbit would if they seen a person coming. I made it to the office and when I see a man giving me a smirk. I began tapping my foot, it's keeps me from being nervous. A lady with a brown

formal suit approached me, "Hey Olina im so pleased to finally meet with you," she said said with a precious smile on her face. how could she be smiling right now?, there isnt nothing in life to smile about. I laughed nervously, and stood up to follow her to the room.

I walked into a room with green vines hanging from the wall plastered with lights, and cute pictures attached. Two comfy chairs that were almost my length, and there was a white desk neatly decorated. I took a seat on the couch as I place my bookbag on the floor.

"So Miss Olina how was your day, yesterday?," she asked as her eyes stayed glued to her laptop. I couldn't even explain how my day went honestly, so I had to lie.
"It was good, I have alot of new friends"
," I said almost choking on my lie. I felt my adrenaline start to pump

*knock knock* I turned my head towards the door as the counselor Mrs. Joliny told the mysterious person to come in. When the door opened a tall guy who looked near my age walked in and passed her a yellow folder. I couldn't help but feel butterflies into my stomach when our eyes met.

His beautiful ice blue eyes glared deep into my soul, but it ended quickly as I looked away. He left out the door
and closed the door behind him, who was he?, did he go here?, will I see him again?. I couldn't stop questioning so many thing about this boy, he was just I don't kno-.

"Miss Olina?, are you okay, you seem off in a daze," she said letting out a soft chuckle from her dull joke. "I have to go, I'm glad I got to meet with you," I said before I left out the door after swinging my bag on my back. I looked down the hall to see if I could see him one more time,

but he was nowhere to be found. I dropped my head low in disappointment. I walked to my lunch and sat at the table that was in the corner away from all the drama. I began scribbling in my notebook about my dreams and hopes. I wanted to be a singer, to heal others with music.

I started singing when I was 9, I sung in a church choir. I had the most powerful voice of them all, it would always make my dad smile the way I would hold the vocal for as long as I wanted to. I miss him so much as a tear almost escaped my eyes, I wiped it away.

I decided to take a break from the song I made and examine the cafeteria, it was so many people walking, talking, laughing and more until that one person caught my eye once again. it was him. I almost lost my breath as I saw him, his jawline was a sharp it could be, his eyes matched his perfect face.

He was sitting at the table with two other boys who were almost as cute as him, they were talking and laughing all but him. One of the boys eventually caught me lookin and began pointing at me. I grabbed my bag and tried to hurry out but I could feel all their eyes on me, even the mystery one.

I stood outside waiting to get picked up as a boy approached me, "nice ass ma," He said nudging his friend laughing. I immediately felt weak in my knees and scared I walked against the wall. I pulled out my phone to call my mom but she did not answer, which meant I had to take the city bus home.

I started walking towards the city bus stop but it started to drizzle and it eventually started to rain. I seen the city bus start to ride pass me and I haven't even made it to the stop. I began running and the most painful and embarrassing thing happened. I slipped onto the hard concrete and my head hit the ground and knocked me unconscious.

I didn't remember anything that happened after, but when I woke up I was in a bed I had never laid in before. I sat up to look around the room, but the lights were off. I began to cry a little, I was in the dark alone in a room that didn't belong to me.

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