The start of the darkest night (chapter 2)

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I laid down on my bed happy that the first day was finally over, but when I came home mom wasn't home. Just her boyfriend and I, I went downstairs to grab a snack and some drinks. I opened the fridge and grab my left over sour patches, but I noticed some beer bottles.

"wait mom doesn't drink?" I asked myself. "I do," said her new boyfriend reaching over to grab a beer. I turned to him as he popped the bottle open. "so um where is mom?" I asked curiously for an answer. "she is working late night shift tonight, which leaves us," He said smirking evilly.

I hurried up stairs before anything else could take place, I sat on my bed staring at the door hoping the past wouldn't come through the door and make me relive every moment , that I tried so hard to bury. I called mom but she didn't answer, she must be really busy at the hospital.

I couldn't sleep and it was already currently 6:30, I grabbed my stuff animal my dad gave me when I was a little girl. I miss him, I wish he was here, I'd give anything to hug him one more time right now. I stared out the window as my eyes filled with tears, I began to start crying.

The knocks on the door began to happen, I sat on my bed hugging my teddy, here I am 16 years old. Scared of what could be on the other side of that door, was it him, was it mom, but i hope it would be dad. but despite of everything I knew it wouldn't be.

"Olina!!, help me please he Trying get me" my 10 year old little sister cried hard. I got up quickly and opened the door right before he could grab her. I shut the door as he forcefully tried to push it open. This depended on me right now everything that happens if this door open would be on me.

I pushed harder and managed to shut and lock the door. I grabbed my little sister and put her behind me, ready to protect her with my life, the door knob kept twisting and turning from him trying to get in. I put my little sister under the bed and stood beside the bed.

I watched as the door flew open, he walked in with smirk and a beer bottle in his left hand. I stood there, it felt like I was numb I couldn't feel nothing and I couldn't move. he was now so close to me I could smell the achol in his breath. He raised his hand at me and I felt a hard smack across my face, I fell to the ground crying.

He looked at me as if he was proud of his actions, and he said "you tell your mother I will kill her" with a fierce look in his eyes that stayed in head after he left. I closed my door and locked it back, I got my sister from under the bed. I hugged her so tight, I'm just glad I could protect her.

She stayed in my room that night while I stayed up watching over her, I wrote in my diary almost all night about what happened. I couldn't stop crying, I was so angry and scared of what would happen next. would he really kill her?, I couldn't imagine life without my mom.

I soon drifted off to sleep.*next morning* I woke up in a heartbeak from the nightmare of last night, I turned to see if my little sister was okay, she was still sound asleep. "Summer, wake up you have school" I said lifting her up. "five more minutes pleasee" she said adjusting the cover back on her.

I smiled at her as she fell back asleep, I walked to my mom room hoping she would be in there. *knock knock* I heard her soft voice "come in." I smiled ad I opened the door to see her reading the same old book named "Precious with her". I sat next to her wanting to tell her everything, but what he said to me replayed over and over in my head, "mom?", I said getting her attention.

she looked up from her book, giving me all her attention, "yes, Olina?" she said adjusting a smile on her face that even make me smirk a little. "Are you going to marry him eventually?..." I said putting my head down not wanting to show the expression I was having on my face.

I started to fidget with my fingers as I waited for her response. "I honestly don't know Olina, before we moved in together we was going on dates and it was relaxing. He already said something about wanting to make me his wife." she said turning to me with a huge smile.

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