Chapter 4 - Club Advisor + More Fight Club Members

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The next day were all in mr. G's room as he talks about random stuff, I zone out and jump up when Jeff slams against my table. "What the he-"

"the holocaust. It happened" Mr. G says Turing around from writing on the chalk board.

"How you May ask. The seeds were sown in the treaty of Versailles. Which some of y'all are going to reenact while I do some reading over here."

Everyone started talking again and doing their own thing. I look around and see Pj talking to Josie about stupid stuff and I see Hazel taking notes.

I look over at her notes and she jumps "sorry I thought you were Jeff" she says "I'm not I promise" I say laughing "I know, your nothing like your brother." She smiles at me "thanks" I say looking at her. "Are you ready for after school?" Hazel asks.

"After school?" I ask "fight club" she says smiling "Oh hell Yeah" I say smiling back.

"Stellas actually going to be there today, at least she told me she would." Hazel says "oh, nice" I say looking back at her notes "You don't like her?" She asks.

"Uh no, not that it's just you've been so focused on her lately-, I just Um don't want you to get distracted and for you to focus on school and the club and notes and everything, you know?" I say trying to save my ass from sounding like a creep.

"I won't don't worry" Hazel says giving a big smile.

God she's so pretty, her smile is just gorgeous. I realize I was just staring at her as she stares at me back slowly leaning in but very settle about it. The bell rings suddenly and makes us snap out of it. She gets her bag and quickly runs out the classroom. "I'm so stupid" I say to myself "you are" Jeff says laughing "whatever you're like a kindergartner" I scoff at him "a kindergartner that gets women" he says laughing. "that's not a good thing are you like mentally slow?" I grab my backpack and walk away.

After all my classes finished I gather my things and walk out the classroom to see Brittney and Isabell. Thank god im learning some names, Pj and Josie started teaching me everybody's name.

"You guys look lost?" I say butting into their convo.

"Yeah we are, we can't find the self defense club for the life of us." Isabell says huffing out laugh.

"Oh I'm actually going there right now. You guys can just follow me." I say as I put my backpack on fully and smiling.

We approach the gym and open the door and I hold it for Isabell and Brittney. I walk in seeing Pj holding a stick thingy while yelling at everybody. I see Stella and Hazel sitting next to each other giggling, I pretend not to be bothered by it and just continue walking into to the group.

"I need a full ride because my mom lives in a trailer and she loves her boyfriend more then me. Bleh blah la! Shut up, okay? My dad left me when I was little and I'm incredibly punctual." Pj yells. Josie elbows Pj trying to signal that Brittney and Isabell are here and she turns around. "Oh hey guys. Come on in. We were just getting started. So today I think we're going to start with some body contact. Like we're gonna do wrestling. I think I need a volunteer."

I gently put my backpack down and stand there. Hazel walks over to me "hey, sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?" I whisper to her.

"No your fine, all you missed was a very very important speech about being on time" she laughs.

"Oops" I say shrugging and smiling. "But personally it sounded more like a lecture then a speech." I say looking at her. She laughs.

I finally Pay attention to what they're doing and see Annie fall backwards onto the ground. "I don't know about this shit" Mr. G says getting up from his seat.

"Um what's Mr. G doing here?" I whisper to Hazel "oh yeah, he's our club advisor"

"Ohhhh okay. Makes sense"

"What the hell you didn't even warn me or anything" Annie yells at Pj.

"We didn't get warning at juvie. Okay?" Pj says

"Just use your natural instinct and just come for me" Pj says as Annie shoves her back and Pj falls to the floor.

"That's great I say that we do that again" Pj says getting up. When she gets up Pj pushes her even harder.

"Ow! Fuck my back!" Annie yells.

I rush to her trying to help her up. When she gets up Pj and Josie try to convince Mr. G that this is a good idea, then start giving a speech and I go stand next to them.

"You guys are going to be pros!"
"Crystal, I'm thinking of you, you're never gonna get assaulted on your birthday ever again!"

"Lucky number seven." Josie says holding up seven fingers.

"I'll be able to reverse stalk my stalker!" Stella yells.

"Yeah!" I say hyping her up.

"And for me I'll be able to kill my step dad!" Sylvie yells.




"And if you believe in us and believe in yourself and trust us as much as we trust you! We can be like let's fucking do this!" I shout.



"So good!"

Everybody gets hyped and starts cheering and clapping.

"YES! YEAH! YES, QUEEN! SLAY!!!" Sylvie yells.

"Oh-" I say putting my hand on the back of my head and turn to look and Pj and Josie. "What the fuck" I say to Pj and Josie. Pj shrugs and Josie just looks disturbed.

Hazel Callahan x y/n (bottoms movie) ruby Cruz Where stories live. Discover now