Chapter 9 - Rasing Hell

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I walked into school and straight to class.

I sit down at my desk and go onto my phone and continue to watch a YouTube video.

"Hey y/n?" I hear somebody from behind me say.

"Huh?" I say looking away from my phone and behind me.

"Sorry I didn't go over yesterday I fell asleep and I don't want you to get in more touble with your dad." Hazel says.

"Oh, no, don't be sorry it's fine, I got a lot of homework done yesterday so it's okay." I say back smiling.

"That's good."

"Yeah." I say then turn back around to put my head on my desk and continue watching my video.

"Y/n wake up" I hear somebody tell me.

"Hm?" I say slowly waking up.

"You fell asleep"

"Huh" I see opening my eyes and seeing Hazel.

"Come on, let's go" she says smiling at me.

"Mhm" I say getting my stuff and waking out with her.

I rub my eyes and walk into something.

"Ow!" I say now rubbing my head.

"That's a wall y/n" Hazel says to me smiling a bit.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me" I say sarcastically and laughing too.

She walks me to my next class making sure I don't walk into anything else.

After a few classes it's time for lunch.

I walk out my class room and Pj and Josie are there like always.

"Hey guys" I say to them.

"Oh hey y/n" Josie says.

"Okay so the plan is to meet at my house around 5 ish, get everything set up, then attack his house" Pj says smiling.

"Who?" I say

"Jeff, duh" she says rolling her eyes.

"Ohhhh okay" I say nodding.

"Okay let's go" Pj says.

"Actually I'm going to the libary, um if Hazel asks just tell her I'm in there" I say to them.

"Yeah, okay" Pj says.

"You okay?" Josie asks

"Yeah just tired" I shrug.

"Okay" she says as they wave bye and we both walk our separate ways.

I walk into the libary, find an empty table and sit down. I put my head phones on and lay my head down.

After a while I feel somebody lift my head phones off my head. "You okay?" I hear. I turn my head to see who it is and it's Hazel.

"Yeah just tired" I say yawning.

"Okay, I'm just worried that's it, I also rather u sleep on my shoulder then this dirty table" she says smiling at me.

"I guess" I say sitting up.

"Uh, here, my sweater. Just in case you're cold" she says smiling handing me her sweater

"Thanks" I say putting it around me and laying my head on her shoulder. She puts her arm around me and starts playing with my hair as I fall asleep.

I hear a bang and wake up.

"You can't be sleeping here" the librarian says.

"Yup sorry, we're sorry" I say as Hazel wakes up too.

"Come on babe" I say grabbing our stuff and her hand and walking out the libary and into the hall way.

"What time is it?" Hazel asks as I pull out my phone to check.

"WHAT THE HELL? We slept all day" I say as my jaw drops. "I literally slept through all my class" I say flabbergasted.

"Oh" she says looking around, "it's fine" she reassures me.

"That's why there's like no people.

"Yupp" I say.

"We should just head to Pj's since it's four already" I say shrugging.

"Yeah" hazel says as we walk out the school and to my car. We drive to pjs and park in the drive way. We get out the car and walk into Pj's house.

She explains the plan again and we all dress in black.

We're soon all in a van laughing and talking as Josie drives us all to Jeff's house. We get there and I slide the door open getting out first to hold the door for everybody. Everybody leaves the car grabbing eggs, toilet paper, and other things to throw at Jeff's house. I grab eggs and throw them at his house alone with four other people. We soon run out of eggs and I look around me for something else to throw. I see two feet peaking out from underneath Jeff's car.

"Um?" I say

"Huh" I hear from under the car.

I get on my hands and knees to see who's underneath the car.

"Hazel?" I say smiling at her.

"Hi" she says too focused to look at me.

"Everybody's running out of things to throw at Jeff's house so um, are you almost done?" I ask.

"Yeah, just give me like, a minute" Hazel says. I start to hear beeping and get off the floor.

"Oh, fuck, FUCK!" I hear Hazel panicking.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Uhhhh" Hazel says before I hear a loud bang noise, "OW! Fuck."

I drag her out from underneath the car and she grabs my hand and yanks me while running away from the car and towards the van. "ITS GONNA BLOW!" Hazel yells letting go of my hand and waving her arms around.

"Yeah guys, it's gonna blow" Pj says sarcastically while looking at everybody.

The car blows up behind me and Hazel.

"Oh my god!" I yell looking behind me at the now lit car while covering my head still running.

"Oh my god!?" Pj yells. "What the fuck!"

"GET IN THE CAR!" I yell trying to get everybody to hurry up.

"What the actually fuck!" Pj says one last time before getting into the car.

On the ride back to Pj's house we all talk about the car blowing up and vandalizing Jeff's house with eggs and toilet paper.

We soon get to Pj's house and everybody goes their separate ways. We're all saying bye to each other till it's me and Hazel left.

We're standing outside of Pj's house sitting on the curb holding hands not wanting to leave yet.

"Thank you" I say looking at her.

"For what?"

"For taking care of me today, it means a lot." I say smiling at her.

"Of course, anything for you" she saying smiling at me and rubbing my hand with her thumb.

"Thank you, for making me feel seen and not feel so lonely. I don't know if you can tell but I've never really had many friends before this, everybody thought I was so annoying." She says looking down.

"Yeah" I say smiling at her while see looks at me.

"I literally like, like you so much" she says giggling and putting her hand on my cheek. While leaning in to kiss me.

"I like you a lot too, Hazel" I say kissing her while smiling.

Hazel Callahan x y/n (bottoms movie) ruby Cruz Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin