Chapter 5 - More Fighting

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The next day we're all at the fight club meeting. Everybody was in a circle around Pj and Josie while they walk in a circle hesitating to punch each other while we chant,

"Do it!"

"Punch her!"

"You got this Josie!"

Finally Pj throws the first punch and punches Josie's stomach and she falls to the ground.


"Good job"

We all clap as Pj smiles and Josie gets up with her hand on her stomach.

Next to fight is Isabell and Hazel, they walk in a circle just like Pj and Josie until Hazel kicks Isabell in the knee making her lose balance. She raises her knee and knees Hazel making them both tumble to the floor and try to get up fast. They smile to each other and shake hands happily.

Brittney and Annie were up next, they just walked in the same circle as everybody else. They walk for awhile until Brittney pushes Annie's shoulder back making her stumble then she raises her hand back and slaps Brittney across her face making everybody gasp but then slowly start clapping. Brittney raised her fist and punches Annie right in the middle of her face.

Eventually after days of fighting everybody is bruised , bleeding, and beat up. My cheekbone was busted and so was my lip, eyebrow, and a few bruises like all over me. It hurt to move.

I walked into fight club and was a little late "hey, sorry I'm late" I say throwing my backpack behind me "yup it's fine" Josie says smiling "okay thanks" I say putting my attention on the fight, it was Jordan and Stella fighting. Stella notices I got there and gets distracted by looking at me and giving me a slight smile, Jordan takes that to her advantage and hits her right it the side of her face. Stella looks away from me and focuses on the fight. They eventually end their fight and Stella gets up shakes Jordan's hand then turns towards me, looks at me up and down and smiles. Oh? I think.

I now realize it's now my turn to fight. I'm fighting Hazel, it's the last fight of the meeting for that day.

I walk into where everybody else fought and Hazel walks up too while I stand there like a baboon.

"Um fight?" One of the girls say.

Right. I say getting my head back into the fight but before I can hit Hazel she punches me in the face, I fall back and tries to get up but she gets on me before I can even try to get up. I just stare into her eyes for a second and just at her on top of me. God she's so pretty. We fight for a little bit more after and then I'm able to get my leg between us and push her back off me onto the floor while I quickly get up. She gets up after me and I punch her in the tit. I put my hand over my mouth. Everybody gasps while Hazel pretends she's hurt "are you o-" she punches me in my jaw. We end the fight and she gets the last punch. Everybody claps as she shakes my hand "good job, you did really good." I say trying to hold the blood in my mouth from falling out. "You too!" She says smiling.

After that I go get my stuff together, talk to Pj and Josie for a bit then jog to get my backpack. As I'm putting it on I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. It's Hazel.

"Oh hey" i say smiling

"Hey, uh you did really good!" She says smiling

"Aw thanks Hazel! You did too, sorry for punching you in the Um"

"The boob? It's fine" she says shaking it off and laughing

I start to sweat hoping I didn't ruin everything and hoping she doesn't think im a total freak.

"It's fine y/n trust me" she says smiling

"That's good, is there something you need?" I realize how I made that sound and try to quickly fix it "um I didn't mean to say it like that, like in a mean girl way, or in the omg I hate you way stop talking to me. Oh uh not that I hate you, I could never hate you like ever your like so pretty and perfect and um-" I say breathing out a laugh.

"I did want something, I want you" I imagine her saying.

"Y/n?" She says waving her hand in front of me

"Oh sorry" i say rubbing the back of my head and focusing on her.

"I did want something, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Just to go over my notes for the club and everything" she says

"Oh yeah of course" I say happy

"Okay great! I'll see you tomorrow then" she says waving bye at me as she walks away.

"Baboon" I say to myself. How can I just say that to her. Good job on keeping it on the down low huh. I think as I walk out the school and to my car.

I get into my car and see that my cheekbone and lip are both bleeding. I try to clean and then head home. I get home and walk inside.


I scream from down stairs as I throw my keys in the dish we have by the door and take off my shoes.

"In here!" I hear him yelling from his office and walk into it. He's sitting at his desk and takes his glasses off.

"Sweetie can I talk to you?" He says patting the chair next to him "sure" I say walking to the chair and sitting down.

"So I've seen that your grades are still very good but you come home everyday more and more beat up and I'm just worried about you, are you in a gang?" He says worried.

"Dad we live here I don't think there's any gangs here" I say joking as he still pouts.

"No I'm not in a gang, it's just me and friends being stupid and having fun. It's nothing to worry about I'm completely fine trust me" I say smiling to him.

"Are you sure?" He says raising an eyebrow

"Yup!" I say getting off the chair with pep

"Okay keep out of trouble please" he says putting his glasses on and focusing on work.

I go up stairs and lay down. I get a text.

"Hey are you like, in love with Hazel?" A random texts sends me.

"Who is this?" I text back

"It doesn't matter, just know I'm better, prettier and overall way more hard working then Hazel will ever be, you should be with me. We'd make a perfect team"

"What the fart?" I say to my phone after reading the text, must be a joke or something probably just stupid Jeff.

I leave the text on read and ignore the rest of their other texts about how perfect she is for me and blah blah blah. I put my phone on silence and just scroll on my phone until I fall asleep.

Hazel Callahan x y/n (bottoms movie) ruby Cruz Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu