Chapter 6 - Its Giving Therapy? And That I Need Therapy.

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It's the next day and I'm walking with Pj and Josie, they talk about Pj and Josie things while I'm on my phone reading the texts from that random number.

"Y/n are you paying attention?" Pj scoffs at me

"Huh? Oh uh, no" I say honestly looking up from my phone clueless.

"What are you even reading?" Josie says looking at my phone.

"This random number keeps texting me about how we'd be perfect together and stuff, it's like really weird" I say showing Josie and then Pj walks over to see my phone too.

"What the fuck?" Josie says.

"Omg do you have a stalker?" Pj says shocked, but in a happy and excited way.

I shrug.

"Maybe somebody has a crush on you?" Josie says shrugging.

"I have no idea but it's freaking me out, like who would tell me "don't think about even hitting on her in front of me, I'll be watching you and her"?" I say to Josie and Pj.

"That's like really scary" Pj says as we walk into the gym.

"What's scary" Hazel says "it's a long story, I'll tell you later" I say putting my backpack down and smiling at her "okay" she says with a disappointed face while looking away from me and walks to the group that's sitting on the floor and I walk with her.

We're all now sitting on the floor of the gym waiting for instructions. Mr. G is sitting behind me on the bleachers and Josie is sitting to my left.

"So, we know that the club had been a place where we can fell empowered physically. But we also thought it could be a safe place where we can express our feelings and where we can open up and talk about our feelings" Josie says softly.

"Okay, so Um who's been raped?" Pj says loudly. "Just Um you know raise your hand" she says.

"I don't think that's how it really works" I say to her.

"Grey area stuff counts too" Pj adds as everybody raises their hands besides mr. G.

"Well everybody knows the situation with my stepdad" Sylvie says looking around at everybody. "He's just obsessed with Friday movie nights. I mean, god, i get it. Your my stepdad but fuck whatever. You know?" She says with a huff.

"My brother is jeff and I don't talk to my mom anymore and I've never felt this much freedom before but just not having that mother figure in my life or a nice brother just hurts so much. Like It all happened when i was little, like when my parents got a divorce. It was such a horrible divorce too. I always felt like I was put in the middle of everything and it was so horrible and it just effected me so much and to this day it still is effecting me and I've just always had this void, this hole in my heart just missing that piece of my life, missing when we we're e just a happy and nice family and I just never thought I'd find something to ever fill that void until I met all of you" I say smiling at everybody.

"I'm sorry about that" somebody says.

"It's fine" i say back while smiling.

"Well, I've been assaulted like a million times." Brittney says making Pj turn her whole body towards her and putting her hand against her chin while admiring her.

"But I'm more annoyed that everyone knows me for being beautiful and popular and no one knows that I'm actually smart and super driven. Like I literally own a jewelry business and nobody ever talks about it"

Everybody goes silent as she looks around the room.

"See?" She says huffing.

"We'll ever since my parent's divorce my mom has been doing this like, midlife crisis. I don't really know how it's sitting with me, you know?" Hazel says fidgeting with her hands. "It's been really, really dark for me and this has just been really meaningful to me, like to get to know some new people who actually want to like, get to know me." Hazel adds on.

Hazel Callahan x y/n (bottoms movie) ruby Cruz Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon