Introductions and Lucifer (1)

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Carry on my Wayward son- Kansas


The morning light peeped through Castiels window and softly landed to an empty bed. Disgruntled and mentally cursing at the sunlight he continued to do his daily routine. Sliding a shirt on to hide his wings, he grabbed his duffle bag which was filled with rock salt and other things that no one but Castiel and other hunters knew about. He harshly opened and closed his bedroom door not caring about waking anyone up. His older brother, Lucifer, was rummaging around in the kitchen looking for food. Castiel attempting not to make conversation with his brother snagged a piece of toast from someone's plate. With an oomph he ran into a strong build, most likely his brother. He sighed and cursed the gods. Castiel's bright blue eyes met Lucifer's almost black ones and they both gave a smile of acknowledgement to each other. Despite Lucifer's name, he was actually very far from the devil. He cared for all of his brothers except Castiel. Lucifer wondered why his parents didn't name Castiel Lucifer and vice versa. 

"Hey chump! Where are you going this early?" Lucifer asked the younger boy, really not expecting any answers as he was used to it by now. Castiel slowly rolled his eyes making sure the older boy saw him. Castiel muttered something a hunt, making a dash for the front door. He breathed a bit of the fresh air before straightening his suit and trench coat. He felt pressure in his trench coats pocket, signifying he hadn't forgotten his fake FBI badge. He slipped into his car, placing his duffle bag in the trunk and making sure he still had his gun loaded in his pocket. He turned on his radio trying to finding a station he actually liked. Finally he settled with Carry on my wayward son by Kansas. The young angel sang along to the song until he reached his destination- Devil's hollow. The site was located in Fort Wayne, Indiana where many people reported Satanic cults and witches did their ceremonies. Usually this would not interest Castiel, but there are omens that say other wise; also the dead body that was found there last week. The police said that it looked as if it had been a wild animal incident but they didn't look to sure about that either. Police scattered around the crime scene trying to make sense of what happened. Castiel looked around, his wings twitching under his skin. The only good thing about being an angel is that your wings can hide under your skin, so you can pass as being a human for a while until your wings begin to hurt. Usually the angel would find somewhere private to spread his wings but his wings weren't twitching out of discomfort. They were twitching because something was about to happen. He continued to look around the rubble that was once a witches house, grabbing his EMF and began to scope the place, hoping nothing was here to disturb the magnetic field. Of course luck was not on his side and the EMF was going crazy because of the telephone lines hovering above him. 

"The FBI? Isn't your partner already here?" The police officer questioned, he quizzically looked at two men who were almost as tall as him. One of them had shaggy hair, almost covering his puppy dog eyes. He was really tall, and Castiel means really tall. He internally decided that he would call the boy moose. The other one was kind of cute, not that they both weren't. He had green piercing eyes and freckles that really suited him, his hair was a really nice brunette color. Castiel shook his head, he was totally not going to let his sexuality get in the way of his job. 

"Yeah, we're just back up, our director asked us to come up." Moose answered smoothly, eyeing his brother who seemed to be intently looking at the rubble behind Castiel. The angel shrugged and continued this work, looking for any kinds of supernatural signs. Castiel felt a pain shoot through his back, confirming that he needed to stretch his wings out. He looked around for a spacey and hidden place, finally in the woods he took of his trench coat and his shirt and began to whip out his silky black wings. He stretched them out to full capacity feeling his wings relax in the process. The wings flapped lifting Castiel of his feet. After he decided that he was taking to long he put on his shirt and tan trench coat and walked back to the rubble that was once a home. 

"So, FBI huh, what're you're names?" Castiel dryly asked, making the cute boy with the green eyes jump. He had an EMF in his hand and a silver knife in the other. Castiel decided that he didn't really like the two boys, there were enough hunters in this part of town, he didn't need anymore.

"I- uh- my name is agent- uh Cortner?" Green eyed boy spoke. I rolled my eyes and signaled the EMF and knife.

"You might want to keep that out of sight, these people aren't hunters and I doubt they would like you two dimwits running around slashing the air." Castiel stared at the two boys, staring at "Agent Cortner" for too long. They both quickly put everything back into their pocket and stared at Castiel for an explanation. "Yes, I too am a hunter, the name's Castiel Novak. You two care to tell me your real names?" 

"My name is Dean Winchester and that's my brother Sam, so what's up with this?" Dean asked pointing at the cops. Castiel intently inspected the guy tilting his head in the process just to make sure he was serious. "You know, last time someone stared at me like that I got laid." He cockily spoke, letting his ego seep through his comment. 

"Ah you Winchesters, I was told about you. Always sticking together, always naive." Castiel pressured, making Sam feel a bit uncomfortable, but that was what he was going for. "Then this must be Sammy boy, aren't you part demon or something?" Castiel was honestly intrigued, but Dean was having none of it, standing in front of Sam to keep him separated from the other hunter. Dean closely inspected Castiel, he thought he was cute, sure, but he didn't like guys like that. He just thought Cas, as he was now going to call him, was a little bit different. The way he cocked his head to one side to inspect, or when he would lick his chapped lips, maybe it was his captivating blue eyes. They were almost angelic, making Dean laugh. Castiel, the angel


Lmao heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, so this is a Destiel short story thing. Um there really is nothing to say but hello welcome, enjoy the story and vote, comment, and follow? I think that I'll put a song that I like in every chapter because I can and I like music (:. 

This chapter's song is: Kansas- Carry on my wayward son 

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