I love Gabriel (10)

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Ur welcome about the gif :^)

Also, read the author's note at the end. It's VERY important!


Hallelujah- Panic! At The Disco


Dean stared at the archangel and his sidekick. "We're what?" He looked over at Castiel who shrugged once again. "Oh hell no, I am not going to be spiritually married to that bastard over there." Dean continued. All three angels flinched at Dean's word choices in the process. 

"Look kid, you're not a demon anymore so that's a plus. You just need to do one more trial and then you're free to 'divorce' him." Gabriel explained, moving his hands around in exasperation. 

"We can un-bond?" Castiel asked. He honestly didn't mind being bonded to a super hot hunter. He was completely fine with it. 

"No, but honestly it can't be that bad. You two are soul mates, you'll learn to like each other soon enough." Gabriel continued to explain. Dean made a gagging noise sticking a finger in his mouth to get a point across. "Yeah, the only thing you're going to be gagging on is Cas' dick." Gabriel muttered, earning a smack upside the head by Balthazar. Both of the angels glared at each other as Dean was completely unaware of the snide comment.

"And what would the last trial be?" Dean whined. He really wasn't in the mood to run across the state again. 

"That, you have to figure out on your own Dean." Balthazar answered for the other angel. "Don't worry you'll know when it's coming." Both the archangel and his sidekick exited the scene before either of them could say anything.

"Great, so now I'm hypothetically married to some dude." Dean muttered, which didn't go unheard by Castiel.

"Not just any dude, an angel to be exact. And a pretty hot one at that." Castiel answered in the most cocky voice he could muster.

"Wow, didn't you just read my mind." Sneered Dean. Castiel smiled at the frowning hunter that was standing in front of him. 

"Now lets go see Sam, he's been worried sick about you."


Dean and Castiel entered a diner that was right across their old motel. No, not the one that Mindy was in because that would be plain awkward. Dean's boots made a slight squeaking noise as they walked across the checkerboard floor. Castiel walked alongside his 'soulmate' trying not to announce to the whole world that they were bonded. The blue-eyed angel spotted the other Winchester who was seated at a booth, picking at a salad. Sam met the eyes of his brother and quickly got up to hug him. 

"You had me worried sick, Dean. Don't ever do that again." Sam sternly told his brother as they hugged. 

"Don't worry, dying isn't really on my agenda for a while." Dean joked. Castiel and Dean slid into the booth across Sam. The hunter grabbed the menu, not really interested into what there was to eat. The only thing that was on his mind at this point was his last trial. He was also thinking about how Castiel was looking extremely hot right now with his trench coat hanging off his shoulders. Stealing another glance he noticed how gorgeous his blue eyes looked under the cheap lighting of the diner, and how prominent his cheekbones were. For some reason, fucking Castiel through the floor was the only thing on Dean's mind at the moment.

"Dean, are you hungry?" Castiel asked, his eyebrows raised. Since Dean and Castiel were now bonded, Castiel could now feel Dean's emotions if they were strong enough. Right now, Dean was almost unnaturally horny. Hungry for you  ran through Castiel's mind. He looked shocked at Dean, hoping he was kidding but the seriousness resting on his face said otherwise. "Hey Sam, we have to do some research to see what Dean's last trial is  so we'll be back soon." The angel quickly spoke, earning an brow raise from the other angel. They both disappeared leaving Sam slightly scarred, he totally knew what was going to happen. 

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