Even I'm crying and I came up with this (9)

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S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W- My Chemical Romance


"Hey-a Dean! You miss me?" The archangel joked.

"You angels really can't get enough of me can you? My ass is just too sweet to let go." Dean smirked. He attempted to walk around Gabe but was abruptly stopped.

"Sorry Dean-o, had to keep you confined until Balthazar got here." Gabe sweetly smiled. Dean glared at the archangel.

"What's going on feathers?" The green-eyed man asked.

"You're going to go through trials, almost like the ones Sam went through to close the gates of hell. Obviously you won't die, but you'll get something you've always wanted from it. You've already gone through the first trial- damn a soul to hell. Bal and I are going to be your fairy godfathers per say." Both men sniggered at the statement. Before Dean could add his own sarcastic remark a flap of wings was heard.

"Hello boys." Balthazar greeted. Dean curtly nodded as Gabriel gave the other angel a big smile.

"So what do we do again?" Gabriel asked, he eyed the bag in Balthazar's hand.

"Oh, we give this to him and he runs." Balthazar handed the small bag to the other angel, who eyed him suspiciously. "Here Dean, hold this. Don't let anyone touch it, not even your brother."

"Why should I trust you guys? Why would a demon help two dimwit angels?" Dean asked, he was curious to see what would happen at the end of the trials.

"Oh, you're not helping us. We're helping you." Gabe smiled. "I know you want to know what is at the end of the trials- and we want to tell you. But you have to go through these alone, we're already breaking some rules by helping you out on this one." Gabe added after scraping the devils trap on the floor. "We'll let you know when this trial is over." Both angels disappeared from Dean's line of vision. He decided that he would do these stupid trails for a couple of reasons: He already did one of the trials, and the second reason was that if these trials were for something he wanted he should probably do it. He's a demon; not an idiot. He walked around, attempting to find somewhere to go. As he walked, he opened the small blue bag which contained a medallion. He ran his finger through it, trying to decipher what it was. It had the words angelus-daemon, for a fact Dean knew that this translated into angel-demon.

They're getting close, run, run, bunny, run. Gabriel's voice sounded in his head. Dean began to run, being unable to use his teleporting powers for some reason. He didn't know what was after him but Gabriel seemed urgent and stern while telling him to run.

Hey Dean, mean Dean. Don't run from the fun. We're ready, so stay steady. Give up, don't stretch your luck. Child like voices chanted from way behind Dean. Initially he wasn't scared, but the fact that it sounded like twenty little kids made it extremely creepy and not likable. Dean quickly ran away from the shouting creepy children, trying to block out their voices.

The hell if these creepy voices are gonna killing me, if I go out, I want to go out from something bad ass; like a transformer. Dean smiled at himself, deciding that being killed by a transformer was the only way he would die in peace. He continued running until he found a bar that felt warded. Dean sauntered in, attempting to get a beer from the counter. His trip was stopped short due to a invisible force that was holding him back. He crossed his arms and cleared his throat, trying to catch someone's attention.

"This better not be a devils trap, I've had enough of them for a day." Dean muttered under his breath.

"Sorry, demon. It would be a devils trap." An older women walked up, Dean flinched at her word choice. Both demon and hunter stared at each other with wide eyes, trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Ellen?" Dean broke the deafening silence. Both of them stared at each other for a while. "You're supposed to be dead, what the hell?" Dean's voice boomed in anger.

"Yeah, and you're supposed to be human." Ellen sneered back at Dean, earning a glare from the demon. They glared at each other for a while until Ellen scraped the devils trap open, setting Dean free.

Trust no one. A voice rang through his head, he rolled his eyes and followed Ellen to the bar. Ellen saw the medallion that was loosely hanging from Dean's pocket.

"What's that?" She asked, earning Dean's interest. He looked down, grabbing the medallion and running his fingers through it.

"I have no idea, it has something to do with an angel/demon deal." Dean answered. Ellen raised her eyebrows, nodding in Dean's direction.

"Think I can see it?" Ellen held out her hand, waiting for Dean to put it in her hand. The young demon shook his head, not letting anyone touch it. "Alright then, need a beer?" Dean again shook his head, not really wanting a beer anymore. Something seemed fishy about the bar and Ellen. If she really wasn't dead wouldn't she have contacted Bobby? 

"I'm gonna go, it was nice seeing you again Ellen. Call up Bobby sometime okay? We all miss you." Dean spoke as he got up from his bar stool. Ellen scowled and nodded hastily.

"Remember Dean, keep running." Ellen growled. Dean's eyed widened, what in the hell is happening? The hunter scrambled out of the bar, running again. After a while of running, Dean began to feel tired. He  stopped and listened for anything out of the ordinary. He stopped in a small town that looked like it was abandoned. 

Great, just what I need. Another creepy ass place. Dean walked around, attempting to find anything out of the ordinary- if anything was ordinary about the town. 

"Dean." A voice spoke up from behind Dean, he flinched and attempted to grab his knife from his pocket. He turned around to see the last person he wanted to see at this moment.

"Hello Cas." Dean grimaced at the angel. He looked relatively nice, his trench coat slightly hanging off his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" 

"You prayed for me, Dean." Dean scoffed. "Just 20 minutes ago, I couldn't find you but you seemed to have accidentally dropped the hex bags you were carrying." Castiel calmly told the hard-headed demon. Dean patted his pockets, and evidently the hex bags weren't there. 

Castiel tilted his head to get a better look at Dean, something was changing inside of him and he couldn't quite figure it out. "What's happened to you?" Dean shrugged. He honestly didn't know what was going on, and it worried him to say the least. Castiel saw the medallion hanging loosely from his fingers. His eyes widened at the sight of it. The medallion was for a binding spell, usually it happened during special rituals, only something that would drastically change the world. Castiel wanted to go out and grab it but he knew that if the wrong person touched it, it would be catastrophic for Dean. The angel really wanted to touch it, there was something about it that made Castiel want to hold it.

"Dean, you have to let me touch it."

"Touch it?"

"Yes, I need to touch it." Castiel repeated, he couldn't stop himself from asking. Dean wanted to give it to Castiel, and for some reason, he did give it to him. He wondered what was going to happen now that he hadn't followed the other angel's rules. Once the angel touch the medallion he glowed into a soft golden color. Dean looked down at his callused hands and saw that he was glowing the same soft golden light. 

"What the fuck is going on Cas?" Dean shot, what was happening? The angel shrugged, not really knowing either. They were both to mesmerized to see that two other angels had arrived to the small party. 

"Congrats you two, you're officially bonded."


Lmao hello (:

ok so basically Dean loses his demon juice and stuff. so BOOM destiel (:. wow i suck at explaining. just ask if you want to know about something 

Odd ones out- Destiel short storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ