Smut and Cockblocks (4)

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Heaven Knows- The Pretty Reckless


Warning: Smut ahead :^)

Castiel decided that to get into the Winchester's meat suits he needed to get into Dean's pants. Thought process? Get into Dean pants, Dean begins to trust Castiel. Dean trusts him, Sam trusts him. Bring them to wherever his nuisance of brothers tell him and BAM everyone's happy. Everyone but the Winchester's that is. But hey, you can't make everyone happy can you? Now all Castiel needed to do was to get Dean to trust him a bit before he could get into his pants. Maybe if they did a case together, then afterwards Dean and Castiel could 'celebrate'. The angel grabbed his laptop and began to look for something supernatural to kill. Well this make take a while, Castiel thought looking through all of the latest news.


Finally he found something of interest, still in Fort Wayne he found a series of murders. All supposedly murdered in front of their mirrors, but no forced entry. He grabbed his phone looking for Dean in his contacts, finding it he texted the hunter about the murders. (C is Cas, and D is Dean)

C: Hey Dean, It's Castiel. Found a series of supernatural murders I think. Was wondering if you and moose would like to come along?

D: Moose? And sure thing! Where and when is it Cassie?

C: Don't call me Cassie, and it's still in town. Meet me at Sara's dinner at 9:00 AM.

At that he ended the short messages, waiting for it to be 9:00 he began to make preparations. He looked at the clock to see if he had time to take a shower. It was 7:00, which gave him time to shower properly. After his shower, he began to look for his FBI outfit and badge. He was finally ready with 30 minutes remaining, he decided to go to the diner and maybe eat something for once. He reached the diner and entered the diner getting a booth for the three men to sit in. He sat at the booth playing with his straw as he waiting for his food or for the Winchester's to arrive. After what felt like a long time the Winchester's and his food arrived at the same time. His food making him more excited than the two boys sitting opposite of him.

"So what's the case?" Dean asked, eyeing the angel's food.

"Three murders scattered around town. In front of the mirrors, it seems like. No forced entry, and blood smeared everywhere." Castiel stuffed pancakes into his mouth, only tasting molecules. "This food is so interesting, it's called a pancake because it is a cake made in a pan." All three of the men look as if they have been revealed the biggest secret in the world.

"Witnesses?" Sam waved the waitress over wanting to order some food.

"Um, a daughter. She says it is her fault that her father was brutally murdered." Castiel paused a moment, looking at the pancake once more. "She said it was, wait for it, bloody Mary that did this to her father." He shifted his angelic blue eyes to Sam, then to Dean.

"I thought she was a myth, and only attacked whoever said her name. Not fathers or whoever else has been killed." Dean stated as he shifted uncomfortably under Castiel's stare.

"Well, I'm not going to wait and see who else Mary decides to murder." Cas placed two twenty dollar bills on the table and got up. "See you two at the sheriffs office."

- Fast forward to after the case where things get steamy (; -

"Well that was one hell of a case." Dean exited a building where he just seen Mary Worthington or bloody Mary kill Mary Worthington. Castiel cringed at the word hell but shrugged it off, this was when his plan would begin.

"Yeah, you guys up for a celebration?" Castiel asked, looking at Dean more than Sam. Dean eagerly nodded, mostly wanting to see if it was possible for a angel to get drunk. Sam never was one to get drunk.

"No, I'm good. You two go, have fun and don't get too drunk okay?" Sam told the two in a parental tone. Dean rolled his eyes at the younger sibling, nodding at the taller boy.

"Take my baby, Cas can use his angel zapping magic and take me to the motel once we're done. I do not want to drive in her when both of us are drunk." Sam nodded in understanding catching the keys that were thrown at him.

"Ready to have the time of your life?" Castiel asked the slightly taller man with a smirk.

"Ready as I'll ever be Novak."


Dean was far from sober as he grabbed onto Castiel with his dear life. Why couldn't he pick up any chicks? It's like he had something on his forehead telling women not to come near him. Little did he know that Castiel temporarily branded Dean, he was essentially invisible to everyone else. The angel looked down at the man who looked terrified. He handed the already drunk man another drink to make him loosen up a bit more.

"You know, I might as well just get have sex with you Cas. No one else is paying attention." Dean blabbered onto the blue-eyed man.

"I wouldn't mind actually." Castiel looked at Dean, to reassure him. Dean cocked his head to one side, not sure what to do. Cas grunted, figured he should do the first move. Leaning up to reach Dean's face he gently kissed the other man. Thinking how unholy this was. Spiritually, genders don't matter, but in this world. Genders mean everything to people, Cas didn't understand why, but didn't pry. Dean finally understood what was going on, and let Castiel's tongue slip into his mouth, letting it explore. The kiss was soft and passionate, but had a sense of urgency. Dean seemed to sober up a bit but didn't stop, using the excuse that he was most definitely dreaming. Cas zapped them both to a motel room that he had rented earlier. Breaking the kiss to breathe, Dean unbuttoned Cas' suit and slid it off of the angel. Castiel slid off Dean's shirt and began to unzip his jeans, but was abruptly stopped by Dean massaging the angel's wings. A moan escaped Cas' mouth as Dean continued to play with the feathers. Returning the pleasure, Castiel continued taking off Dean's jeans and began to palm Dean's growing bulge. The green-eyed man moaned the angel's name, turning on the angel. Both men feeling aroused, gave into temptation. Dean practically ripped off Castiel's jeans, along with his boxers. Pumping the man, he got down onto his knees, looking at the man who now towered over him. Without hesitation, Dean wrapped his lips around Cas' cock and began to suck, bobbing his head in rhythm to Castiel's moans. Castiel caught off guard by Dean's actions and gave a hearty moan in return. Castiel's moans began to have an effect on Dean, who could feel his boxers tightening. He reached down and tried to palm himself but was swatted away by a horny Cas. Castiel palmed and eagerly put his hand into Dean's boxers. Loosely wrapping his hand around Dean. Dean moved into his hand where he began to create friction for himself. Cas moved his hand so it was slightly tighter, deciding it was probably a good time to actually put his hand to work. He moved it up and down, making Dean moan, causing the vibration to make Castiel's dick twitch. He was close and they both knew it. Dean wasn't going to let the cute little angel cum anytime soon so he stopped and let go. Making Castiel whimper at the loss of pleasure. The hunter nibbled at the angel's skin, making his way up to his face. Dean's phone began to ring making both men jump with surprise. (whoops, I'm a cockblock) He walked over to his phone, answering it.

"What Sammy?" Dean huskily asked the younger boy, turning Castiel on a bit. "What do you mean?" Dean shouted back at the other angel. More talking was heard at the other side of the telephone. "Pick me up in 5, I'll be outside." He looked over at Castiel, as he ended the call, unsure of what to say. He didn't know if what Sammy said was true, but he had to trust his brother. "I'm leaving, don't bother looking for me."

Um, whoops? You guys still love me right? I did put at least SOMEEE smut in there. I wonder what Sammy boy told Dean the queen? Who knows? Not me (:

Odd ones out- Destiel short storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora