Crowley, Cats and Cain (5)

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Blood- My Chemical Romance


Dean wanted to drown his sorrows in alcohol, for many reasons. Sam wanted a cat, and Dean was not really fond of that idea. His only problem with getting the furred demon was that he was afraid of cats, he used the excuse of being allergic to cats as an excuse to get away from them. In many cases he would wait in the car for Sam to interview the family of the deceased. Also, he had gotten more proof that all angels were dicks. Well all except Sammy of course. Castiel was in fact just another dick bag that wanted more power and was way in over his head. Worst of all,  Sam took away all the alcohol in the motel room, taking his car keys too. So Dean was now just sitting on the motel bed, switching through the channels on the T.V. while Sam was out getting rabbit food or something. Finally he settled on watching Dr. Sexy MD. He sighed in content as the show began, trying to focus on the show rather than the problems circulating in his head. Of course, peace never happens in the Winchester's life. A strong smell of sulfur plunged into Dean's nose, making him sigh and draw the ancient knife from his side. 

"Hey-a Dean!" A british accent rang in Dean's ears making him groan and turn his attention back to the T.V. show. "Aw c'mon now, pay attention to mee." The demon whined, slightly bouncing around.

"Crowley, don't you have something better to do? Go proof read some contracts or something, can't you see I'm busy?" 

"Now you see, if I went to proof read contracts. That would mean that my demon buddies are making deals. So the more time I'm here, the less souls I'll be collecting in ten years." Crowley interjected, causing Dean to cringe. 

"Okay so if you're here that means you want something, do what do you want Crowley?" Dean impatiently snapped, he really just wanted to continue watching Dr. Sexy M.D.

"Fine, I need your help killing a knight of hell." Crowley rushed, looking at Dean to see if he was going to consider his offer.

"What? No way Crowley, I'm not going to become your bitch." Dean whined.

"It's not an option, you're helping me. I wouldn't want moose to loose his angel mojo, now would we?" Crowley simply smiled at Dean, waiting for a response. Dean grimaced, not really wanting to join the demon.

"Fine, what do you want?" 


"You made a deal with Crowley!" Sam screeched at his brother, not believing that he would do such a thing. "Wait, did you two kiss?" 

"No Sam, it wasn't that type of deal. It was more of a demon in distress type of thing. He needed killing his competition for the throne." Dean shrugged, turning his back to his brother to get a beer from the motel fridge.

"Now how are you going to help him exactly, did he tell you anything?" 

"The Mark of Cain, it can kill the demon, Abbadon." Dean proudly told his brother. "Now we just gotta find Cain, but knowing Crowley, it should be fairly easy."  Dean mostly hoped that it would be easy, he really wasn't in the mood to fight anything. All he wanted to do was watch reruns of random shows that aired on the motel T.V. 


Castiel didn't know what he was supposed to feel, he feels like he should feel bad. Angel's don't do emotions, it's far too complex. They were built to be soldiers, to not feel anything, to just obey. Castiel's time on earth has shown him many emotions: anger, happiness, surprise, confusion. He still doesn't understand most of these emotions, so he just doesn't deal with them. Which brings him back to his original crisis, what is he feeling? Should he give the brothers to his brothers? Maybe he should just make up a lie and say that they ran away and give them angel warding? That'd be a good idea considering that an abundance of angels are after the boys. What in the world? Castiel thought that he was going crazy at this point, was he going mushy over two humans? He wouldn't mind, but the fact that it's the Winchesters makes it another realm of wrong. In all of his life he can't think when he actually did something right, he might as well start now? 

Well this is it, I'm going soft for humanity


Dean was contently watching Bones on T.V. but no peace lasts long. A ruffle of feathers was heard beside Dean. He quickly grabbed his demon blade, lunging for whatever was beside him. Whatever was underneath him was now laughing at Dean's attempt to kill it. The green-eyed hunter decided that he should probably see what he was dealing with. Looking down he caught sight of blue eyes staring at him, in an amused way. Dean huffed and gave the angel another push before getting off of him. 

"Nice to see you too, Dean." Castiel joked, earning a glare from Dean.

"What do you want Castiel?" Dean got up wiping the imaginary dust off of his shirt.

"I came here to warn you, my brothers want both you and your brother. I was originally going to be the one to give them to you but I decided that I would be nice for a change." Castiel proudly looked at Dean. The other man laughed, thinking that the angel was joking around.

"Right Cas, because you would just turn against your brothers." Castiel shrugged his shoulders.

"Think what you want, just steer clear of them."


Hey (: So I hope you guys like this short chapter. I didn't really know what to write, I seem to be at a writers block. So comment on you think should happen next!

Odd ones out- Destiel short storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora