The chapter in which we all cry for Dean (6)

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Blame me- The Pretty Reckless


Dean sat in his impala, not really doing anything. Just sitting and relaxing, nothing special. Just like him, he wasn't special. Not like Sammy and his family of angels. No one accepted him all  throughout his life. Sam was the only one who accepted him for who he was, a Winchester reject. He was grateful that Sam was always by this side. He just felt like he was holding him back, Just blame all your life on me, Dean thought. He felt bad that he let his brother come with him. He led him to a life filled with crazy things. Dean bitterly laughed, he couldn't remember the time when he was actually happy. The last time he genuinely laughed. All he did now-a-days was sit around and drink alcohol, trying to forget who he was. Unluckily for him, his alcohol tolerance had gone up, so he just stuck to being buzzed all the time. Sometimes he considered leaving Sam so he could go live his angel life. But Sam would eventually find him and stick with him again. He's tried before, never really worked out in the end. Dean thought about how he had everything before he was 12, a somewhat happy life, friends, girlfriends. But when that damn clock struck midnight on his 13th birthday and his wings didn't come through he lost everything. His father punished something he couldn't control. 

"Dad! Why haven't my wings come through? It's midnight!" Young Dean shouted over to his father who was already slightly more than drunk. 

"That's because God decided you aren't good enough to be like us, Dean. You're such a disgrace to the Winchester name. You don't even deserve to have the damn last name!" His father shouted over at the weeping boy. "Don't you dare cry boy, only babies cry." Dean quickly shut his mouth, crying to cover his sobs.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry." Why did God think he wasn't good enough? What did he do wrong? His father teleported over to where his son was standing, how could he have raised such a disgrace of a son? 

"I can't believe I raised you, yo-you demon." John spat at the green-eyed boy. Dean's eyes where the size of saucers. How could his father call him a demon?  He tried not to cry, he really did. Dean just sat on the floor, weeping for God. Weeping so that he would grow wings and his father would love him again.

Dean hastily wiped his eyes, he wasn't going to dwell on his past. He had enough on his plate already, he didn't want to put anymore on. Dean got out of his impala, digging for his motel key in his pocket. Finally he found it, walking over to the door and unlocking it. He was ready to sleep and hopefully it would be more than an hour or two.


The morning light had shone through the motel room, signaling that both the Winchesters were most likely up and about. Sam was at the local diner across the motel gathering some food for his elder brother. Dean was sitting at the kitchen in the motel, drinking a glass of some liquor he found. It burned down his throat, it didn't really mind him. The eldest Winchester decided that he should find  case for the two brothers to work on before he got a little more than buzzed.  


Um well here's this small chapter! Please comment on what should happen! I'm kinda out of ideas for the destiel, I know what I want to happen in the end. I just don't know the in between things. So if you guys have any ideas on who I should introduce or what hunts they should go on please comment!

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