Wing cocoon (2)

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Song: Kiss the ring- My Chemical Romance


Dean finally convinced Castiel to let them on the devil's hollow hunt. Nothing out of the ordinary striked Dean, but Castiel was obviously not liking what he was seeing. Since Cas was an angel, he saw things the Winchester boys didn't see. Well he thought, Sam saw the markings but thought none of it since his father never showed him anything about angel rituals. On the trees there were angelic summoning symbols, some to keep angels away, some to summon them in.One of them looked painfully familiar, for it was the symbol to speak to Micheal, an Archangel, the most powerful archangel in heaven. To say the least, Castiel was terrified. He looked at the boys in terror, they looked back at him in wonder. All three of the boys felt as the rain began to fall and earth to tremble. Cas knew that this meant Micheal was near. In terror and- well mostly terror, there was no other fiber of common sense running through Castiel's mind right now. He quickly placed his fingers on the two boys heads and teleported them to Castiel's house. The Winchesters looked at the Novak boy in terror, not knowing what he was. Sam was the first to fling holy water at Castiel, making him chuckle.

"What in the hell are you Castiel?" Sam asked as Dean threw a bit of salt onto Cas. 

"I'm a really scary demon, with wings, and descended from heaven." Cas snapped, not really feeling like explaining that he was an angel to two nut jobs. 

"You're an angel?" Dean asked, something glimmering in his eyes.

"Obviously, if I'm standing right here you ass butt." Cas continued to snap at the brothers, hoping that if he was continuously mean to them then they would leave him alone. 

"Is it okay if we see your wings?" Dean shyly asked. Castiel sighed and began to take off his clothing- well his shirt and coat. The boys not knowing what was happening sat in discomfort. Castiel stood in the middle of his nicely decorated living room and shifted so that he could get his wings out without knocking anything over. Dean and Sam sat amazed as Castiel's wings began to show. They were a silky black, a beautiful black. Castiel looked relaxed since his wings had been tucked in all day. Before he noticed Sam had whipped out his wings too, letting Dean feel a bit left out. Sam's wings were a faded tan color, smaller than Cas' but Cas was older. 

"So you're an angel too huh?" Sam nodded, confirming Cas.

"What about you Dean? Not lucky enough?" Cas asked, a smirk forming on his face. "Well that's too bad, seems like God wasn't on your side huh." Castiel knew he was being rough but he liked to make fun of people, it made his day better. He sort of regretted it when Dean's eyes met Castiel's, Cas quickly looked away making sure he wasn't about to say an apology. 

"Hey Cas?" Sam asked, Castiel hummed in response. "What were those symbols that you were staring at?" Cas' face instantly fell and turned a ghostly white. It made Dean a bit happy to see that karma could maybe be true. Dean looked over at Castiel after a while who had still said nothing. His face was still white and his wings stooped down, almost wrapping around Cas, as if to keep him safe. Dean may hate the guy a bit but seeing anyone like this made Dean hurt a bit.

"Someone has been trying to summon the archangel Micheal, that is no good. They probably used the dead man as an offering to heaven, or maybe the guy was trying to contact Micheal but he wasn't having any of it?" Castiel's voice was lower and raspier than usual, almost showing how scared he was. Cas' eyes met Dean's for what seemed like the 50th time today. Stick and stones may break my bones, but damn, Dean Winchester will be the end of me. Castiel quietly thought, Dean made his way to Cas, maybe to comfort him. Dean didn't exactly know. Cas quickly brought his wings closer to him, the only thing that you could see of the angel were his socks and a bit of his black bed head. Dean sat next to the frightened boy lightly touching his wings. Cas' shuttered, it felt good but he didn't know how he felt felt about it. Sam quietly chuckled at the two, Dean really did not need to know that he was basically giving Castiel a wing job or whatever you want to call it. Before anything could get more heated Sam zapped back over to the motel that Dean and Sam where staying at to leave the two alone. After about 10 minutes of Dean massaging or grooming Castiel's wings, Cas brought Dean into his little black cocoon. Dean was surprised but it was warm, although Cas was cold. It was a nice contrast.

"Hey Dean, I'm not really keen on the whole 'I'm sorry please forgive me' kind of deals but I would like to apologize for what I said earlier, I didn't realize what I was saying." Cas apologized, it was foreign to him. He tried to think of the last time he ever apologized to someone and came up with a blank list.

"It's fine, oh and Cas?" Dean looked into the angel's eyes. "Is there anyway we could stop Micheal from coming or after he came? You seemed pretty scared so I would guess he's a pretty scary angel." Cas took this into consideration, could you really stop Micheal from coming down? He doesn't really like humans, only pretends to like them because his father says so. So when the archangel would come down he would basically destroy the place now that his father left and no one knows where he is. But really you can't stop him, if by a miracle he decides to come down and throw a temper tantrum then the only one who can stop him is his dad, aka God. 

"Nope, sorry Dean-o" I confessed. "But in the meantime we can go raise a little hell."



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