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attach their lips on to your hips. on to your collarbones, your jawline, the place just beneath your ear that makes you moan and feel like a freshly picked daisy, you know, that place that sets your insides aflame and your heart into an ecstasy filled overload.

let lust run through your veins, no needs for blood anymore, you've drunken plenty of it throughout the years. you don't have to be needy, don't gotta be hard to get- somewhere in between. balance, fake love is about balance. or is it?

talk to boys like you love them, know that you are not naive but sometimes you have to pretend to be. talk to boys, lots of them. wisdom comes with experience. fill your phone with their numbers, fill your bill with their texts. fill your camera roll with the pictures they send, and if they ask for them in return, remember you can do whatever the fuck you want but there are always consequences. consequences, consequences, consequences, when did everything become so difficult? when did love take such a nasty turn?

wake up early in the morning and do your make up. line your lips, line your eyes, foundation, mascara, lipstick the color of roses- you've got thorns, dear. blush, lots of blush. you don't blush much anymore so maybe this will make you look more human, yes? curl your hair. straighten it. put it up, leave it down, whatever your heart needs to feel content. dress up, everyday, like you're trying to impress someone. impress yourself. impress everyone. shorter the shorts the better, the more you push your boobs up, the better. show skin, it drives the boys crazy. you always wanted to make them crazy, didn't you? here's your chance.

if they invite you over, go. if someone offers you a drink, down it like you're dying. if someone kisses you, kiss them like you're lips are on fire and they're exactly what you need. whether it be lust or greed or maybe you're just horny, maybe you're lonely, maybe you're lost, let their words become nonfiction. let their words become you. if they say you are promiscuous, fuck their boyfriend. that's all there is to it.

you may feel empty inside. you may feel lost. you may feel like nothing. but at least you are one thing, at least you're a whore. you've got the lust of plenty of boys- just not the love.

what's the difference?


[in which a girl who is envied by girls and lusted by boys, a whore, talks to me at a party. she is drunk. so am i. terrible advice, but god she had a beautiful mind. the best ones lose themselves, don't they? she's got the lust- just not the love.]

her name was allyson and she is quite the muse.

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