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is this what the world has come to? mere humans craving nothing more than sex and coffee-filter highs with these white lines and dark clouds that swirl and circle around us, we can't see through this permanent haze, we can't breathe nowadays without getting high off our surroundings, goddammit i have a headache again.

is this what we've come to? the skies are permanently colored red, the color of the blood that falls from our noses and the color of our hands, we've always been sinners, it's part of human nature.

it's hard to resist human nature.

our skin reflects like diamonds but speckled upon our flesh are the interstellar galaxies of an abusive lover who downs liquor and unleashes fury on to the frail frame of the only person who has ever stuck around, the only person who has ever loved him. the once light of his eyes though he's replaced her with vodka and tequila and drunken nights and so much RAGE RAGE rage that she is drowning underneath these speckled galaxies that spray like paint across her skin. long sleeves, deep breathes, you still love him, now?

maybe you do. maybe you don't. maybe you are sane, but then again maybe you're like the rest of us, with some type of insanity that runs through our veins, racing the liquor and heartache to see which one will paralyze our mind first- but then in the end maybe both will win and maybe we all will win. but only if winning is somewhere in the soil beneath our feet, only if winning can be attained with a grey headstone shooting out bullshit to the public. "mother, daughter, father, brother- he/she will be missed."

he/she won't be anything but FORGOTTEN, don't you see? we can't all leave our mark on this world, our names are temporary, our names will not last. nothing nowadays will last. this is what we have come to, not even poetry can save us now, we've got nothing. we don't have each other, we don't have ourselves, we don't even have authority because this entire damned world is CORRUPTED, and SO ARE WE goddammit.

heaven must be a little bit empty, i fear, because nowadays everyone is going to hell.



i honestly don't think i can express enough how much I HATE abuse. I've had personal experiences and trust me, I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE IT.

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