MODERN [...]

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her heels clack across the linoleum floor and we could hear her excess walking from a mile away. she stands tall on stilts that serve as pedestals since she is a goddess and we will all die mundane with the maggots and the dirty soil underneath our fingernails, she will never die because she is a child of a superior evil force with rancid blood and a ravenous mouth that cuts like a knife when she speaks. everybody fucking hates it when she speaks.

it ruins everything. she looks like a deity underneath these shimmering lights, her hair looks like a mahogany waterfall that cascades in ringlets down her protruding spine, and her eyes are the deepest shade of spilt wine thrown onto a canvas, a color that haunts my soul and makes everyone feel as if they are walking on the moon, it's hard to breathe. but when she opens her mouth, those ruby red lips part and she begins to speak, such words of such evil, i want no more than to tell her she is as mortal as the rest of us.

just because she is beautiful she has no right to put us down. just because she swims in power and money and filthy riches, cocaine lines her clouds and crystals shine like diamonds in her eyes- she has no room to speak about imperfections. just because she is beautiful on the outside does not mean that her liver is not failing and her lungs are covered in years of idiocy, that her insides are coated with egotistical beliefs that she can live forever. with each puff and each breath, she is taking a day closer to her death, and yet she has the audacity to tell us that we are all going to die someday. ha, i'd like to be the one that spits on her grave at her funeral- though i'd probably be the only one there anyway.

as terrible as it sounds, she has broken all of us in the most terrible of ways, she has shown me that beauty is more than skin deep, that beautiful people can be assholes and even those who look like angels can be sent to hell. her heart is filed with such hatred that it is hard to pity her, especially when her words are razor sharp and all she does is throw them like darts- we are not targets, deity, we are human beings- and so are you. we will glorify your beauty but you will minimize your size with every word that leaves your mouth in your booming voice, you are burying yourself just like the rest of us- with maggots and dirty soil.



dedicated to my old best friend a few years back, who put people down. though she was beautiful, she was ugly because of the things she did. and she still is.

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