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i figured it out slowly.

         it was the last day of summer and the reflection of the setting sun shone off his amber eyes and i'd thought i'd be sad forever until he told me he was mine. i figured sadness was my lover, it had already clung to the structure of my very being, so why not? i was a collateral disaster and he was destined for greatness. i have been told we were nothing alike and that may be true about the way other people see us. it was how we saw ourselves.

you were the moon and i was the tides following you like a sailor after a lighthouse and you made me feel complete in a way that was addicitive and intruiging and i later found out that this is what people spend their lives searching for. someone who makes their lives run-on sentences and bare words and a bit of healthy vulnerability.

don't be so closed off, you encouraged. you kissed my forehead and swiped your thumb across my lip, unfolding me like a map that you were so prepared to follow. you were so blind so my sharp edges, or maybe you were simply ignorant. whatever it be, i would never ask for it to of been different.

as the days went on, your smile got warmer and your touch never stopped being a shock, and so i figured that my heart had grown attatched and i'd like to keep you around.

though i'd never say it, i've been thinking it non stop for the past two months.


i love you.


[in which destruction just begins].

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