Chapter 14

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As consciousness slowly crept back into Amren's world, she found herself enveloped in a haze of pain and confusion. The first sensation that registered was the throbbing in her ribs, a persistent, deep ache that resonated with each shallow breath she took. Alongside this was an odd tingling sensation, like residual trails of electric energy pulsing through her body, a lingering reminder of the spell that had struck her down.

Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a room that was unfamiliar and dimly lit. The walls were adorned with shelves filled with various herbs and potions, and the air carried the scent of medicinal plants and a hint of something metallic. The soft flicker of candlelight cast gentle shadows across the space, lending it a serene yet somber atmosphere.

As her senses gathered more information, Amren became aware of voices. Elian's voice, tinged with worry, was the first she recognized, a comforting anchor in the sea of her disorientation. Accompanying his voice was that of an older woman, soft and soothing, speaking in a tone that suggested experience and knowledge.

"...she's lucky to be alive. The spell's effects were severe, but she's strong. With rest and proper care, she should recover, but I cannot promise I can keep doing favors for you Elian" the woman was saying, her words measured and calm.

Memories of the night's events began to flood back into Amren's mind – the fight with the guards, the shocking pain of the spell, and the darkness that had followed.

She attempted to sit up, to get a better look at her surroundings and the people with her, but the movement sent a wave of pain coursing through her body. She gasped, her attempt turning into a struggle, and her movements caught the attention of Elian and the older woman.

"Hey, hey, hey, Amren, don't move too much. You're safe, but you need to rest," Elian said, rushing to her side. His face, illuminated in the candlelight, was a portrait of relief and concern.

The older woman, who Amren now saw was dressed in the garb of a healer, with a kind yet stern expression, moved closer as well.

"You've been through a great ordeal. I'm Maven, a healer. You're in my care now," she said, placing a reassuring hand on Amren's shoulder, gently coaxing her to lie back down.

Amren's mind was a whirlwind of questions and a need to understand her situation, but her body demanded otherwise. She acquiesced, lying back down with a wince, her gaze shifting between Elian and Maven.

"Elian... what - how did we get here?" she asked, her voice weak but driven by a need for answers.

Elian swallowed thickly before speaking, "After you were hit by the spell, I brought you here. Maven's been taking care of you. You've been unconscious for a while now," he explained, his voice laced with an emotion that spoke of the fear he had felt.

Maven nodded in agreement. "You were struck by a powerful spell. Elian brought you just in time. But you're safe here. I've done everything I can to stabilize you, and now it's a matter of time and rest for your body to heal."

Amren absorbed their words, a mixture of gratitude and frustration coursing through her. Grateful for Elian's quick thinking and Maven's care, yet frustrated by her own vulnerability and the situation they now found themselves in.

Amren, feeling a complex mix of emotions, a sudden realization pierces through her and she tries to push herself up again, her determination overshadowing her physical pain.

She swung her legs over the edge of the small bed, each movement sending jolts of discomfort through her body. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for any clue to the time of day, but the windows gave nothing away, shrouded as they were in the dim light that provided no indication of whether it was night or day outside.

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