Chapter 17

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In the classroom, a bastion of learning and intellectual pursuit, Amren sat amidst her peers, yet she was adrift in a sea of her own tumultuous thoughts.

The professor's words, usually a siren song of knowledge that captivated her complete attention, now washed over her like distant waves, unable to penetrate the depths of her preoccupied mind.

Her gaze, once so keen and attentive, now drifted aimlessly, occasionally settling on the enigmatic bracelet that encircled her wrist – a constant reminder of the mysteries and burdens she carried.

As she stared at the blackboard, the symbols and equations seemed to morph into the cryptic runes from the chamber beneath the library. Her mind replayed the haunting scenes from her dream, the cryptic utterances of her mother, and the ethereal voice that had spoken to her through the bracelet.

These images and sounds swirled in her mind, a maelstrom of confusion and fear that she struggled to make sense of. She felt a deep sense of isolation, as if she were standing at the edge of an abyss, peering into depths unknown and terrifying.

Elian, ever observant, noticed the stark change in Amren's usual demeanor from across the room. The sharp, inquisitive spark that typically lit her eyes was dimmed, replaced by a distant, introspective glimmer.

Her usual posture of assertive engagement had softened into a withdrawn, almost protective stance. It was as though she was physically shielding herself from the world, her arms wrapped subtly around her midsection, a subconscious barrier between her and the realities she faced.

He watched as her hand, almost unconsciously, brushed against the bracelet, tracing its intricate patterns in a gesture that seemed to be both a search for comfort and a reminder of the burdens she bore. In these small, unguarded moments, Elian glimpsed the vulnerability that Amren so rarely showed, a vulnerability that spoke of internal struggles and uncharted emotional territories.

For Elian, seeing Amren in such a state stirred a blend of concern and a deep-seated desire to help. He recognized the signs of someone grappling with weighty matters, the kind that consumed thoughts and clouded the clarity of the present.

As the class ended and the students began to file out, Elian quickly made his way to catch up to Amren.

"Hey," he said softly, trying to gauge her mood. "You seemed a million miles away in there. Everything okay?"

Amren glanced up, a hint of her usual focus returning to her eyes.

"Yeah, just... a lot on my mind, you know?" she replied, her voice carrying an undertone of weariness.

Elian nodded, understanding more than he let on.

"Actually, I might have something that could help with that," he said, his tone cautiously optimistic.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a couple of well-preserved books. The covers were embossed with intricate designs, and they looked too new to have come from the library's regular collection.

Amren's eyes widened slightly as she took the books from him, flipping through the pages filled with detailed descriptions and illustrations of arcane symbols and runes.

"Where did you get these?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"My... father's study," Elian confessed with a slight shrug. "He has a collection of rare books. I thought these might be useful for our... you know, research."

Amren hummed thoughtfully, her eyes scanning the pages. The information was extensive, far more detailed than anything she had found in the library. It was a treasure trove of knowledge on the Netheril, and the precision of the illustrations was remarkable.

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