Chapter 22

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Amren stormed through the corridors of the estate, her mind a tempest of emotions and questions. The echoes of the dream still clung to her, the vivid images of a fallen civilization haunting her every step. The bracelet on her wrist was a constant, tangible reminder of the mysteries entwining her life.

She reached Master Theron's study, her heart pounding, her resolve steeling. The door, usually a portal to learning and enlightenment, now felt like a barrier to a truth she desperately needed.

Without hesitation, she pushed the door open. Master Theron, ensconced amidst his books and scrolls, looked up, his usual calm demeanor faltering at the sight of Amren's stormy expression.

The study was quiet, the air thick with the scent of old books and parchment. Master Theron, perched at his desk, looked up, his expression a blend of surprise and concern. "Amren? You're early. Is everything alright?"

Amren's response was measured, her voice betraying none of the tumult within her. "Master Theron, there's something I need to discuss with you."

The aged scholar leaned back, his eyes searching hers. "Of course. What troubles you?"

Amren took a moment, her mind racing. How to begin? How to frame the questions that gnawed at my soul? "It's about our lessons," she started, her tone even. "Specifically, about Netheril. Why have you chosen this topic for me?"

Master Theron's expression shifted subtly, a flicker of something unreadable passing over his face. "Netheril is a crucial part of magical history," he began, his voice calm. "Its lessons are invaluable."

"But it's not part of the standard curriculum, is it?" Amren pressed, her gaze unwavering. "I've spoken to other students. Their studies are focused elsewhere."

The room seemed to grow still, the air charged with an unspoken tension. Master Theron sighed, the weight of his years evident in the gesture. "Amren, your intellect and your talents... they set you apart. You're capable of understanding complexities that others may not grasp."

Amren felt a surge of frustration. "That doesn't answer my question. Why Netheril, specifically? Why now?"

Master Theron hesitated, his eyes reflecting a conflict of loyalty and honesty. "The lessons of Netheril... its rise and fall, the power it wielded and the price it paid... they're lessons that are... pertinent."

"Pertinent to what?" Amren's voice rose, a hint of anger seeping through. "If there's something going on that I need to be aware of, I need you to tell me."

Master Theron's gaze faltered, a sign that struck a chord within Amren. "I cannot say more, Amren. Please understand, my intentions have always been to guide you, to prepare you."

"Prepare me for what?" Amren demanded, her patience fraying.

Master Theron stood, his demeanor one of grave sincerity. "For a future that is uncertain, a path that only you can navigate. You must trust that I have your best interests at heart," He began speaking again before, "Your family is-"

Amren's mind raced, piecing together his cryptic words with the fragments of truth she had gathered. "Is this about my family? Are they involved in something that you're trying to warn me about?"

The old scholar's silence was answer enough, a confirmation that sent a chill through Amren's spine.

"I see," she said, her voice barely a whisper, a mix of realization and betrayal coloring her words.

Master Theron regarded her with a mixture of pride and concern. "Amren, you have always been one of my most astute students. Your ability to see beyond the surface, to question and challenge... it's remarkable. But with great knowledge comes great responsibility."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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