Chapter 5 Truth or Dare

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With Trish grinning at me, I roll the dice praying that it doesn't give me something to embarrassing. However, I am nervous as it lands on dare. Trish hands me a dare card and I read it out loud, "Go to Walmart and let the person next to you pick out the most embarrassing shirt and wear it through the store, or chug your entire drink." 

I stare at the card as I can feel my cheeks turning red, and I look over at the person sitting next to me which happens to be Tryston. 

"I promise I won't make it to embarrassing Sage, you can trust me." He laughs and looks at me whether I am going to accept the challenge. I grin back in response and get up from the couch. 

"Well it probably would have been worse if Trish was sitting next to me, but I will take the dare." Everyone cheers and Trish agrees to stay at the house with the kids while we go to Walmart. 

"I call shotgun, so you boys have to sit in the back." I smile innocently and run to the passenger seat as Tryston laughs getting into the driver seat. 

Ash rolls his eyes in the back seat and grunts, "This is not fair, why does the girl get to call shotgun." 

Levi elbows him and looks at me, "Be nice Ash, ladies first remember." 

Tryston laughs and hands me his phone, "Sorry Sage, but you don't get your phone back until later. However, you can take my phone and put on the music for our drive." 

I smile and celebrate and put on some pop hits this time. Tryston rolls the windows down and I jam out enjoying myself on our drive into town. 

As we pull up to the walmart I bite at my lip. Ash speaks up from the back seat, "I think Sage should wait in the truck till after Tryston picks the shirt, then she put's it on and walks around inside with it." 

I roll my eyes and look at Tryston, "You promise it won't be to extremely embarrassing?"

Tryston nods and hands me the truck keys, "I promise, we will be right back." 

I watch as they walk into the store and sit back in the seat. All I can think about is how nerve wracking this is. I close my eyes and turn up the radio drowning out my nerves. Losing track of time, I almost jump out of my skin when Tryston knocks on the window. Opening the door, I put my hand on my chest. 

"Damn Tryston, I think you gave her a heart attack," Ash laughs and Levi shakes his head.

Tryston hands me a Walmart bag, "Sorry Sage, I didn't mean to. Here we will stand out here while you put this on." 

He closes the door and I open the bag to peak inside at the shirt. I pull out this hot pink shirt with a frog and mushrooms that reads, " MILF, Man I Love Frogs." I burst out laughing knowing this is the exact shirt for me. I can't stop giggling as I change my shirt real quick and hop out of the truck. 

"Damn Sage, I just met you and your pulling that shirt off." Ash looks me up and down and I blush. 

Tryston pulls out his phone, "Okay you have to pose for a picture for Trish, and then I promised her while we are in walmart that I would get Ice Cream."  

I do a small peace sign pose for Tryston's picture and laugh knowing how embarrassing I probably look in a hot pink shirt and jean shorts. 

"Okay let's get through walking through walmart in this shirt." Levi and Ash laugh at my comment and I follow them inside to walmart. 

All of us have to try not to burst out laughing when an older lady looks at me like I am crazy. However, I do not care much what people are thinking when we get close to the book section, and I leave the guys behind and run to one of the new books that was released. 

"Man even with an embarrassing shirt on she gets stuck in the book isle," I hear Ash talking to Tryston as they come up behind me. 

I turn around with two books in my hands and smile innocently, "Not even an embarrassing shirt can stop me from getting the books I love." 

The boys laugh and shake their head at me, and I stick my tongue out at them. 

"Okay we should probably get going, but we still need to get ice cream." Tryston leads us to the frozen section, and I can't help but look at all of the chocolate ice cream. 

"What kind of ice cream does Trish like?" I look up at Tryston and he pulls out his phone. 

"She wants chocolate and strawberry." The boys look at me in question as I spin around and celebrate.

"Yay my favorite ice cream! Ice cream party!" I do a little dance as Tryston picks up a big tub of ice cream. 

"You sure have alot of energy." Ash shakes his head smiling.

"She is a ball of fire just like Trish is though." Levi looks at Ash agreeing with him. 

Tryston laughs and looks at me, "Just wait till you see her drunk." 

I giggle and follow them to the check out lanes. Tryston kindly pays for my books and we head back out to the vehicle. As we pull off to head back to the house, I burst out laughing and the boys look at me with a curious smile. 

"Why are you laughing?" Ash asks me curiously from the backseat. 

I giggle and look down at my shirt, "I just walked through Walmart in this shirt and didn't even care what people were thinking. That was fucking awesome."

The boys burst out laughing and we all jam out on our way back to the house. I smile looking out the window feeling light for the first time in a while. 

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