Chapter 12 Unexpected Things

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The end of the movie plays and I yawn stretching a bit, and look over at Ash. He lays the recliner back and yawns as well. I look at my apple watch and notice it's nearly midnight. I poke Ash, "Do you want to do another movie? or are you to tired?"

Ash chuckles, "I can deal with another movie. I have a question though. Can I crash on your couch instead of paying for an Uber ride home?"

Blushing a bit I look over at my basket of blankets, "That should be fine. However I do have to warn you that I have over 30 blankets. So, it will be hard to choose the most comfiest one."

Ash looks at the pile of blankets, "Why do you have so many blankets."

I snuggle into the one I currently have out with my dogs face on it, "No girl can ever have too many blankets. Blankets are my addiction, just like books."

Ash rolls his eyes, "Oh no. What kind of books?"

I grin, "The smutty kind, well not all of them are smut books. A lot of them are just romance books."

Ash looks over at my bookshelf overfilling with books, "So this means you have an outstanding expectation for a boyfriend. Am I right?"

I stare at him with my mouth open, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Ash pokes me, "The one where the girl wants the bad boy but he wants only her. Where the guy is all hard on the outside but soft on the inside. However, he has to be naughty under the bed sheets like her."

I can feel my cheeks turn a bright red and I clamp my mouth shut. Ash laughs and shakes his head, "Did I hit that spot on?"

Turning away trying to hide how bright red I was turning and how much my stomach was fluttering. I grab the remote and start looking for another movie. I feel a poke in the back, "Did I make you speechless."

I stutter, "N-no, I just didn't think you wouldn't hit it so spot on like that."

Ash chuckles behind me and I let my hair fall forward to hide my red face. That's when I find the perfect movie to put on. I click on my favorite childhood movie Twister. I look over at Ash and smile at him knowing my cheeks are still blushing. 

Ash gets up from the recliner and hollers from the kitchen, "Do you want to share popcorn with me?"

Pausing the movie real quickly, I get up going to the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and look at him pulling out a box, "Only if it's Kettle Corn."

Ash laughs and puts a bag in the microwave, "How did I know that was the kind you like?"

I squeal and jump up and down in exctiment, then I look at Ash and stop looking down. 

Ash looks at me curiously, "Why did you stop being excited?"

I bite my lip and look away, "A lot of people find it weird and annoying when I get all energetic and excited. It's a part of me, I just get energetic and happy over things. I learned to stop doing it so much because no one really liked it."

Ash pokes my nose and I smile, "Well I am not everyone else, so you can be yourself around me. I think it's enjoyable. If people don't like it then they shouldn't be your friend."

The microwave beeps and Ash pulls out the bag of popcorn, and pours the popcorn into one big bowl. I inhale the wonderful smell of popcorn, "I will always love the smell popcorn. I get what you mean by that, when I was a kid though I would of done anything to meet peoples approval."

Ash grabs the bowl, and I follow him into the living room and sit next to him. Ash looks at me handing me the bowl, "Well you don't need my approval because I like you just the way you are." 

I blush and roll my eyes, pushing play on the movie and grabbing the blanket. I put my feet up at the same time as Ash and lay back watching the movie. I eagerly shove some of the popcorn into my mouth and Ash chuckles. 

"Please don't forget to share the popcorn Sage." I giggle and put the popcorn bowl between us as the beginning scene comes up. 

Ash whispers, "I haven't seen this movie either by the way."

I roll my eyes and giggle, "This is my dad's and I favorite movie from when I was a kid. I could say every line but I promise I won't."

Ash smiles and eats some popcorn. I focus on my favorite movie relaxing into the couch and eating some popcorn. 

An hour later and I have to try not to jump up to my favorite scene, "Cow! Another Cow!"

Ash laughs when I say it at the same time as the movie. I blush, "Sorry this is a good part."

Ash shakes his head smiling, "No that was cute."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever."

I lean back into the couch and watch the movie feeling peaceful and happy. I look at Ash who is watching the movie, and I notice that the very end of his hair has small curls. I look back at the TV and smile ignoring those butterflies in my stomach again. 

Watching the movie so relaxed, I try to keep my heavy eyelids open. I feel a small poke on my arm and Ash chuckles, "Are you falling asleep." 

I shake my head, "Nope."

However, I was lying because a few minutes later and my eyelids drifted shut. 

I shifted a bit and realized I was still on the couch and opened my eyes. I realized at some point a pillow got placed under my head. I sat up a little and looked to see Ash sleeping on the other side of the couch with his arm over his eyes and one of my fluffy blankets over him. 

I smiled at the fact knowing he was kind enough to give me space and a pillow. I peaked at my phone and saw that it was four am. I put my phone back down and curled back up with the blanket and pillow. Drifting back off into sleep I couldn't get rid of the smile off my face. 

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