Chapter 27 Shopping For The New Job

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I park beside Zach as we pull up to the mall in downtown Jackson. I pull out my phone real quick and see Ash's reply to my picture.

Ash: That car suits your bright personality perfectly. I love you, I get off around 9pm tonight. What time do you go to your job tomorrow?

Me: They told me to come in at 10am for training tomorrow.

Ash: Okay perfect, if you fall asleep it's okay. After I run home and grab clothes, I'll come to your place.

Me: Are you sure? I don't want you to be tired.

Ash: I just want to spend all the time with you so it won't bother me.

Me: You melt me.

I blush and look up at Elaini, "Okay Ash is way too sweet. It feels so weird to have someone be so sweet with me."

Elaini nods: "I completely understand that. Just enjoy it and take it slow, plus if he makes a wrong move, he has me to answer too."

I laugh and giggle as I get out of the car, making sure to lock it securely. We go over to Zach and Summer, who are putting Malachi in his stroller.

Zach rolls his eyes, "Grandma had to go to an appointment so we picked him up. I hope he doesn't eye all the girls while he is here."

Elaini and I say it at the same time, "Like Father, Like Son."

Summer bursts out laughing and Malachi giggles along with his mommy. Zach rolls his eyes, "Of course, blame it on me."

We giggle and start walking towards the entrance of the mall. Elani and Summer hook their arms through mine, and it's almost like a euphoric moment as we all laugh together. I feel like I'm walking on air as we all talk about Elaini's flight home tomorrow.

We walk inside and I admire in awe how many shops there are to choose from. Summer looks at me, "Told you this was going to be an amazing day."

I look at her, "Well, I also have to inform you that the hospital I got the job at. Is the same hospital you are currently working at."

Summers' eyes light up, "Oh my god! Sage!"

Elaini laughs, "Really?"

I nod, "Yep Trish is the one who suggested the job to me. She also informed you worked there. So I have a definite feeling we are going to see eachother often."

Zach looks between both of us, "Does this mean Malachi and I are going to be bringing both of you lunch?"

I shake my head smiling, "No, you don't have to do that."

Summer points in a certain direction, "We are definitely hitting the best store to look at some new scrubs."

Elaini smiles, "Maybe I should move to Florida and work as a CNA down here. I am definitely going to buy some scrubs too."

All three of us go into deep discussion about how certain scrubs are more comfortable than others. We walk together towards the store and Summer leads me inside. I am immediately stop dead in my tracks staring, "It's like a nurses heaven in here."

Elaini nods, "They even have accessories in here."

Summer takes my hand pulling me to a certain section, "This is the section that will fit you well. It's the OB section."

I stare at all the wonderful scrub top prints in wonder as to what few I should pick out. I stare as I pick up a scrub top with winnie the pooh all over and immediately fall in love with it. I follow summer around and pick out a few more scrub outfits, and also pick up a couple nurse items I need.

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